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Animal Cruelty in the MID-EAST

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  • #31
    Like I said b4, do the tests on those dead beats that r in prison for murder.
    Like the ones that kill not just one person but many ppl (won't mention any names) there are alot of them in our prison system. Why not just let them pay back their debt to society by doing something useful with them. :?:


    • #32
      I couldn't agree more but I doubt that would happen anytime soon.
      Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
      Managing Director
      Tweak Town Pty Ltd


      • #33
        We must be humane now....................take it out on dumb animals instead


        • #34
          I was being humane.......they've done something wrong to deserve it, not like the poor dog being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

          These ppl in prison for killing r a waste or space and tax payers money too. The money could be better spent.


          • #35
            I am for the reindroduction of the death penality..... Vote #1
            For murder,rape, sexual interferance with children and the like


            • #36
              Originally posted by Wiggo's-sister
              These ppl in prison for killing r a waste or space and tax payers money too. The money could be better spent.
              WS we live in a society which would make that near to impossible to actually happening right now in the times we live. Give it 10 or 20 years and I could see things changing.
              Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
              Managing Director
              Tweak Town Pty Ltd


              • #37
                As our soceity here in Ausrralia commites more & more burtial crimes against each other.....thinking may/will change back to death penatilities...pollies wont have the guts to do anything can we make them serve (us) the people.....and our wishes......


                • #38
                  The pollies r only in there to serve themselves.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Mr.Tweak

                    WS we live in a society which would make that near to impossible to actually happening right now in the times we live. Give it 10 or 20 years and I could see things changing.
                    Sadly I know this, but the thought sounded good at the time.


                    • #40
                      I agree......10 or 20 years things will be diffrent
                      will we be here.......will the planet be here
                      Some crazy nation could blow the whole place up or at the rate we are poisioning the place we will selfdestruct
                      Betta life our game
                      but in the mean time still string up the real bad crimes

                      Edit: Betta LIFT our game

                      (just thinking about life)



                      • #41
                        The biggest problem with killing "criminals" is that sometimes you have convicted the wrong person as DNA evidence has shown in the US on more than a few occasions. If you could perfect the front of the process, then it makes a lot more sense.


                        • #42
                          I am a dog lover just like Flaco and aswell to other animals.It makes me sick how they test products and deadly gases on animals.It makes me want to cry.:cry: I agree mith Wiggo's sister we should test it on guilty prisoners!!!


                          • #43
                            Sad isn't it Missy. Enough individuals who care can make a difference.


                            • #44
                              Last person executed here 03 February 1967 Ronald Ryan
                              Death penatlies removed from Statue shortly afterwards
                              With the advancement of testing (DNA ect.) since 1967 imo the death penatily should be reconsicered


                              • #45
                                Our Supreme Court recently looked into the matter - but I really don't recall exactly what they said.

                                I assume they were just killing time until the next election anyway
                                The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.

