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Animal Cruelty in the MID-EAST

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  • #16
    Though most nations don't use the animals for testing weapons of mass destruction (like nerve agents), but how many use these same animals for testing out medicical wonder-drugs? And all in the name of making things better for all humanity. Rats and monkeys seem to be the mainstay for these testing procedures, but other animals are used as well.

    Don't get me wrong... I'm not condoning the behavior, but Mr C hit the nail on the head when he stated that it wouldn't be ending anytime soon.
    Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
    My Toys


    • #17
      I did not see the clip mentioned but it is obvious from the posts it was very unpleasant.

      People who display pleasure while conducting any test on animals are sadley lacking something

      Animals will continue to be used for research & testing until other alternative & cost effective are methods are found.
      This is a commercial reality.
      Consumers are more aware of these practices now & some companies are limiting or have ceased this practice
      If these tests are to be carried due consideration to the animal must be paramount

      I am not in favor of these practices no way

      Weapons of mass destruction...... i would say every nation that has then.......would of tested them on animals or they have been tested on animals in development

      Speaking of development.........the soap, deodorants, aerosol's, hair spray, car polish,sovents ect ect ect.........all tested on animals more so in the past
      I have seen horiffic tests carried out useing our every day procucts
      We can make a diffrence............purchase carefully
      Thats my $0.02 worth


      • #18
        Heard on the radio this AM about some not watching CNN because they keep showing it.


        • #19
          Please explain to me what the similarities are betwwen animals and man.............after all didn't they use mice to experiment with for makeup etc:?: Why get all het up at one country for doing something we are all guilty of. ..................ppl in glass houses shouldn't throw stones you know...................clean up our own backyard first then clean up the rest of the world


          • #20
            Definitely a lot of strong feelings on this topic, and I wouldn't try to downplay that.
            Laughing before testing - I dunno' but if I had to do that for a living (and I pray I never do) I would have to find something like sick-sad-sorry humor to take my mind off the crap I was doing in an attempt to live with myself. Don't make it right though, I understand that too.
            There is a movement to make "greener products" ie. goods produced in ways less harmful to the environment.
            When they bleach the pulp to make toilet paper they make an awesome amount of toxic waste that is released back to the environment for the wildlife and fishies and yes, yourself to consume. Think about that next time you wipe your arse with the storbought cushy-stuff.
            I believe most members of the forum are about 1 generation prior to mine. In my generation pollution was a big topic too - as I know it is for you.
            I kinda' digress here, but the point is "1 planet 1 people".
            We can all do our little bit, but it's expensive. There are "green" products out there, but they generally cost more. For the gals, I know there are cosmetics etc. that say right on the label that no animal testing is involved in the production. I assume those cost a bit more too?
            We've gotten to the point where through the use of chemistry we can each make our little environment a better place to live - often that is at the cost of the over-all environment, planet Earth.

            Genetically engineered crops, hormones for cattle, animal testing, all big issues. I try to buy green, for example Ben & Jerry's ice cream - uses as little as possible products from cattle treated with rGBH, uses no bleached paper in the packaging but it's expensive and I don't buy a lot of it.

            I don't have any answers, but each day I see the issues:?:

            Did that show happen to mention they were testing nerve agent - maybe we should start with that issue first!
            The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


            • #21
              Maybe we should try nerve gas on the polies, the have such a nerve anyway :kay:


              • #22
                OK..i get your point Mr.C...but animal testing for the good (i.e. medicine, vaccines, medical studies...) but these people are double checking if the nerve gas kills is that

                Its like saying, "hey lets kill this dog to see how fast ot works"...the reason why they are doing it is just plain wrong. They are killing animals to see how well they can kill humans...
                - Damien


                • #23
                  I'm in no way argueing against you Flaco - we're on the same side here.

                  I guess over time though my idealism has been tempered a bit by some of the realities I've seen.
                  Not that the issue isn't an important one, I just doubt my ability to change some things.

                  Warfare sux - bottom line, no 2 ways about it.
                  Got any idea how many animals the USA has maimed and killed in it's chemical and nuclear programs. I don't, but I do know it's a hell of a lot.

                  I think you would see similar things closer to home, except they won't allow reporters in those places here.
                  The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                  • #24
                    I think the way the video was presented to us by CNN was the part that really got to myself, Flaco and Wiggo's Sister - and probably everyone else with a heart that saw it.

                    The fact that the testing was carried out by those little friggin so so's over in the Middle East didn't help it - We are all angry from September 11 anyway.

                    As for the consumer products which they do not test on animals - how can we really believe it? It's only a sticker. Who knows what to believe, "these days".

                    Anyway Mr.C and Darth are right, animal testing isn't new and I doubt it's going to stop anytime soon - Maybe though it can be done in a better controlled enviroment, not with damn Afgan bag heads laughing like it is one big hell of a joke.

                    Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
                    Managing Director
                    Tweak Town Pty Ltd


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Flaco
                      OK..i get your point Mr.C...but animal testing for the good (i.e. medicine, vaccines, medical studies...) but these people are double checking if the nerve gas kills is that
                      But just think, why do they have to test the good stuff? To make sure it doesn't have the opposite effect.

                      It all boils down to 'intention' and 'effect'. While the intention may be good, the effect may be bad, and vice versa. If you agree to one side, then you are really agreeing to the other. The animals, in both cases, suffer in some form.


                      • #26
                        Mr.C in no way do i see you against us. You are one good guy that likes to see both sides to every play. I understand the whole animal sacrafices...for testing...but like i said...before...its the reason and on top of that they kill an innocent animal.

                        That will never change...neither will letting off steam..thanks for all the anger relief everyone...: peace2:

                        Cold one on me

                        - Damien


                        • #27
                          Anger relief is a good thing but in this world always keep a little 'cause sooner or later you're gonna' need it.:(
                          The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Mr.Tweak
                            Who knows what to believe, "these days".
                            Seems as time goes by I believe less and less.
                            Old age, or wisdom -- hopefully just experience.
                            Old age I can wait for - Wisdom probably isn't going to ever happen:laugh:
                            The reason a diamond shines so brightly is because it has many facets which reflect light.


                            • #29
                              Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Machiavelli said that.

                              Whether you have power over animals or people the principle is the same. The ends do not always justify the means.


                              • #30
                                What gets my "goat" is the fact they are piously saying we are testing for the effect on humans.....................but the double standard is they are not testing on humans "because it might be dangerous to the humans much for looking after our dumb friends :kay:

