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How 2 overclock P4 Northwood 2.66

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  • How 2 overclock P4 Northwood 2.66

    I cannot o/c my p4 Northwood does an1 know how 2 and if so please , please , tell me what i need and what to do.

    system cfg :-

    Processor - as above
    M/b - Microstar OEM dont know what type (can find out though)
    Ram - 1gig SDRAM
    g/c - ATI 9600 pro 256
    In whole a Medion PC
    Sometimes some prgrams refer to the processor as a willamette but the FSB on my bios doesnt match that of a wilamette - most programs recognise the processor as a northwood!

    CPU gettin dated need to oc please please help I am quite noob at this sort of stuff!

  • #2
    In whole a Medion PC
    your not gonna be oveclockin that.
    it might be possible to use a program like softFSB but it probably wouldnt be worthwhile.
    it looks like its upgrade time


    • #3
      If you do upgrade, you could probably keep almost everything except your motherboard. Even if the case might still be useful.

      But overclocking is pretty much out of the question with a brand name PC.


      • #4
        SDRAM?! I hope that means DDR SDRAM. If its plain PC133 SDRAM that is really getting you up the ass in performance


        • #5
          I thought that o/c a brand name pc is hard I guess its upgraqde time -

          Cheers 4 the advice evry1 !

          Ps its DDR SDRAM ( Ma pc isnt that bad, hehe)

