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Is it Worth it to unlock If....

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  • Is it Worth it to unlock If....

    Would there be any good reason to Unlock my 1700+ if my Current mobo doesn't allow me to adjust the multiplier?

    It only lets me adjust the FSB and the Voltage...

    I can overlock the CPU to 1700 Mhz from FSB with just fan cooling.

    If I unlock the CPU will the Mutiplier Jump UP? Or Will it just remain at 11 with the ability to change on another Mobo? Thanks...


  • #2
    It would be helpful if you provide the brand and model of your MOBO.


    • #3
      Unlocking does not mean your multiplier automatically changes. the method of doing so depends on if your CPU is a Tbred or Palamino core, Palamino Identifiable by a square core, with the info etched on the top of the core, Whle the Tbred is more rectangular core, and Has the info on a sticker on the CPU. The TbredB revision is better overclockable. Which is identifiable by the last letter in the sa code similiar to this AXDA <-That would be a T-Bred "A" core. While AIUHB would be a Tbred-B core.

      To change the multiplier WITHOUT changing it via your Mobo, go here If youve got a Tbred core, and here for the Palamino core. The two links are interactive guidesd of what bridges to paint for the settings you input in there areas.

      Sorry If I gave too much info, am In the mood to be VERY descriptive today: party ha

      EDIT: Oh yes, and when you unlock it, The multiplier wil be changeable via a motherboards bios that has Multplier options!


      • #4
        if your mobo wont let you change the multiplier, then there is no point in unlocking your cpu

        there is a chance you could damage your cpu when you unlock it, so it's best to just leave it alone if you can't change the multiplier

        if you get a new mobo at some point and keep the cpu, then that will be the time to talk about unlocking it :)


        • #5
          Originally posted by minibubba
          there is a chance you could damage your cpu when you unlock it, so it's best to just leave it alone if you can't change the multiplier
          Um, the only way damge can be caused is out of carelessness while unlocking a CPU,and if it dont work right, Its very easy to wipe the CPU clean and give it another try!


          • #6
            DFI AD73(It is 200/266)- Got for $15

            2100 Kingston Ram

            MSI Ge4 64 ddr

            1700+ Thoroughbred Version B

            So if I use the interactive guide, that I was given the link to... Lets say I want 2 of the 5 L3 bridges still connected, and i need the other ones cut... Can I just leave those 2 bridges connected? Or do I need to cut them all?

            Or what do ya suggest?


            • #7
              Ya only cut the bridges ya dont want connected, Ya can leave the ones connected ya want connected


              • #8

                Has anyone tried this? I would be able to keep my warranty!

                So I would just place the wire from each socket hole to the other socket hole I need connected. Sounds EASY....

                Yay! If I can get this done I can lower my FSB to match my Ram,lol



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rad777
                  I would be able to keep my warranty!
                  NO. overclocking in any manner will void your warranty

                  some new mobos will unlock t-bred b cpu's without physicaly doing anything to the cpu if your current mobo wont let you change your multiplier, just wait till you upgrade your mobo and get one that will do it for you

                  there isn't really any reason to do it if your mobo wont let you change the multiplier...unless you are just eager to try it (but how will you know you are successful if you can't change it in the mobo ;) )


                  • #10
                    Thats why I wanted to use the Wire Plug Method... It wouldn't change the CPU in ANY way :) And I can choose the Multiplier via the Wires and without using the motherboard... :P


