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EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

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  • EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

    Ok, quick history: I originally had an EP45-DS3R but it took a hit when the HSF came loose off of my CPU and the CPU overheated. Then after that my system would freeze/reboot/not boot at all randomly. So after days of testing, I determined it was the MB so upgraded to the EP45-UD3P rev1.6 (FB), using the same CPU as before. (E8500)

    No other component has changed out in my system, everything is exactly the same other than the MB. I had to reinstall drivers and all the wonderful Windows related stuff you have to do when you replace a MB and had to reboot about 6 times to get every piece of hardware recognized again and installed. Ever since I installed this UD3P, however, I'm getting this weird system stutter going on that is every 10-20 seconds. It's really annoying and I can't figure out what is causing it.

    I watch the task manager and watched the CPU cycles and then I move my mouse around the screen as I watch so I can see it stutter. My hope was to see a process pop up to the top of the list that would cause this as I see the mouse stutter across the screen, but nothing is coming up. The stuttering seems to be independent of any processes running.

    When I installed the board and went into BIOS, I tweaked the CPU/memory and boot priority to the way it was on the old board, and that was all I touched in the BIOS. Is there something in there that could be causing this problem?

    Any help on isolating this is greatly appreciated. I didn't have this problem with the old board and as I've stated, I have virtually the exact same machine as before except for the MB, so it has to be something with the MB. Thanks!

    Last edited by Esch; 08-13-2009, 12:28 PM.

  • #2
    Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

    There is a large difference between those boards. So using your older settings wont be the same. Have you ran stability tests lately to be sure your memory or CPU is not failing and you need to adjust your settings?


    • #3
      Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

      I ran a plethora of tests when my system was freezing with the old board trying to nail down what the problem was. Everything came back negative. I also had an extra ram stick and video card that I swapped in to make sure it wasn't either of them causing the problem, and that didn't help with the freezing. That's how I determined it was the MB causing the problem, it was the only hardware I didn't have a spare for. From what I read online if it were the CPU it would be either working fine or not working at all, not partially working but freeze from time to time.

      The only BIOS settings I tweaked were to get the CPU to 3.16ghz and the ram to go to 1066, I didn't change anything else.
      Last edited by Esch; 08-13-2009, 12:46 PM.


      • #4
        Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

        Ya it would either work or not.

        Sounds like it could be possibly driver or program issue then if you are stable. I'd do a clean install, you should have anyway coming from the other board instead of bringing in the troubled install.


        • #5
          Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

          Gah a clean install of windows? That bites. I don't have the time to do that, too much crap installed and what not. Technically I didn't have a "troubled install" as you say because it was a hardware problem. I didn't have this issue with the other board even when it was freezing up randomly on me.

          What ticks me off about this is Windows assumes this is a brand new build even though the only component that changed out was the MB, and so it insists on installing all the drivers for everything again.

          So is there any way to narrow down if this is a driver problem then? Is there anything in BIOS I should look at that may cause the problem?

          And on a separate note, what are the ideal BIOS settings for this board with an E8500, 2 SATA drives, 1 IDE drive, 2 IDE CDROM/DVDROM drives and a PCIE video card?


          • #6
            Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

            Like you said, Crap installed.... And that could likely be part of the issue.

            How can you say it was not troubled install? You RMA'd because you thought it was the board right, and now still have the same or similar issues right? You are right though, you may just have some settings off then and now. Just trying to help, no offense meant. A clean install is great for you and your system. Everyone should do it at least twice a year.

            What spyware/virus programs do you run? Do you have or can you borrow another GFX Card to be sure this is not part of the stutter issue?

            Post your full settings and specs and we will have a look and advise back. I am about to leave so if no one helps you out you will need to wait until I get back

            This is Just a template I use to ask people their settings, pay no attention to the numbers in it, replace with yours

            CPU = Model #
            Motherboard = Model, Revision #
            BIOS Version =
            Ram = Brand, Model#, Part#, And or Link

            [b][u]MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)[/u][/b]
            Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto or Fast
            CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 
            Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0
            CPU Frequency ...........................: 
            [b][u]Clock Chip Control [/u][/b]
            [b][u]Standard Clock Control[/u][/b]
            CPU Host Clock Control..................: [Enabled] 
            CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: Mhz
            [B]PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:Set to 100[/B]
            C.I.A.2 .................................:[Disabled]
            [b][u]Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter][/u][/b]
            CPU Clock Drive...........................: <<< 800
            PCI Express Clock Drive.................: <<< 900
            CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: <<< 
            MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: <<< 
            [b][u]DRAM Performance Control[/u][/b][u][/u]
            [B]Performance Enhance...................: [STANDARD][/B]
            Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
            (G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [Auto]
            System Memory Multiplier ..............: 
            Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 
            DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [Manual]
            [b]Standard Timing Control[/b]
            CAS Latency Time........................
            tRCD .........................................
            Set all Suggested below to highest Values first.  Then later you can lower, one at a time, testing as you go
            [b][u]Advanced Timing Control[/u][/b]
            Command Rate (CMD) ....................:2
            [u][b]Driving Strength Profiles[/b][/u][b][/b]
            Driving Strength ............................
            [b]Channel A[/b]
            Static tRead Value.........................:6/7-10 333/B MCH - 8/9-12 400/D MCH
             tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:Auto <<< Leave for all below as well
            tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
             tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
             tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
            Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto 
            Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
            Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
            Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto 
            Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
            Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
            [b]Channel B[/b]
            Static tRead Value.........................:6/7-10 333/B MCH - 8/9-12 400/D MCH
             tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:Auto <<< Leave for all below as well
            tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
             tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
             tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
            Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto 
            Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
            Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto 
            Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto 
            Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
            Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto  ps
            [b][U]Motherboard Voltage Control[/U][/b][U][/U]
            CPU Vcore….……….........................:Auto if not overclocking, if you are overclocking please do find and set your own voltages
            CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: << If overclocking Please set to stock, Auto overvolts this way to much.  Optimal range for overclock would be 1.2-1.5 depending on Vcore, try to keep at least .1 under vcore.  Auto is fine if not overclocking
            CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: << If overclocking Please set to stock, Auto overvolts this way to much.  Optimal range for overclock would be 1.5-1.65.  Auto is fine if not overclocking
            CPU Referen.…………....0.755V*.......: <<< .64% Of Vtt (Termination above) Auto Will set this correctly 
            CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......:<<< .67% Of Vtt (Termination above) Auto Will set this correctly 
            MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: << 
            MCH Reference….…….0.800V...........; <<< Leave
            MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: <<< Leave
            ICH I/O……………….....1.500V............: <<< Leave
            ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: <<< Leave
            DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 
            DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: <<< Leave
            Channel A Reference 0.900V............: <<< Leave
            Channel B Reference 0.900V............: <<< Leave
            [b][U]Advanced Settings[/U][/b][U][/U]
            Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
            No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
            CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Disabled]
            C2/C2E State Support....................: [Disabled]
            x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Disabled]
            CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
            CPU EIST Function.........................: [Disabled]
            Virtualization Technology................: [Disabled] Enabled if you use Vmware/Virtual PC
            [b][U]Integrated Peripherals[/U][/b][U][/U]
            Legacy USB Storage Detect ..............[Disabled] *Note* Must be enabled to flash from USB


            • #7
              Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

              Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
              Like you said, Crap installed.... And that could likely be part of the issue.

              How can you say it was not troubled install? You RMA'd because you thought it was the board right, and now still have the same or similar issues right? You are right though, you may just have some settings off then and now. Just trying to help, no offense meant. A clean install is great for you and your system. Everyone should do it at least twice a year.

              What spyware/virus programs do you run? Do you have or can you borrow another GFX Card to be sure this is not part of the stutter issue?

              Post your full settings and specs and we will have a look and advise back. I am about to leave so if no one helps you out you will need to wait until I get back
              Well your first mistake was assuming I RMA'd. :D I never said I did that. I figured because of the HSF coming loose and making the CPU overheat to the point of the system shutting down, which then caused the old MB to take a hit, it didn't fit within the terms of the warranty, so I didn't even try to RMA it. If you think I can then I will.

              As far as the issue at hand, I may have misunderstood you. I thought you meant troubled install as in Windows, not hardware install, so my apologies for that. I didn't have any Windows problems at all with the old board, even when it was freezing up. (and again, I didn't have system freezing problems till -after- my system overheated due to the history in my first post)

              I literally spent 7 days, about 6 hours each day going through every possible scenario, and running tests with the system after the overheating issue. That also includes numerous AV and anti-spyware scans. (I use adaware and malwarebytes' anti-malware along with paid AVG btw) I didn't take offense to what you said, I should have pointed out that I'm not a newbie when it comes to this and have literally tried -everything- to fix the freezing problem before determining it was the MB itself. And now that the MB is replaced, I haven't had it freeze on me yet, it's just this odd stuttering problem now. Oh and I stated in a previous post that I did replace the graphics card with another one and the freezing still took place, so that's how I ruled out it wasn't that.

              Thanks for the template, I will reboot and go into BIOS and write everything down then post an update with the settings I have now along with my system specs.


              • #8
                Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

                Sorry I am pretty tired man, you are right anyway as you can't RMA for a different board anyhow.

                But yes, you can RMA that board for sure. Then sell the replacement if you like. The CPU would be the only thing damaged, if damage occurred which is not likely as I have seen them ran for long periods at 100C where they normally would shut off.

                You can RMA the CPU as well if you think it may be to blame, but of course you would need a spare while you waited the few weeks that Intel Takes.

                I guess it could be your CPU causing the stuttering, but it would be odd. If it was me I would do a clean install to rule out software or driver issues. Only takes a few to do and could save you alot of hassle in the long run

                HAHA< see I am tired and I think I confused you now. Ya I was meaning windows install not hardware. Malware bytes I can accept but AVG not really, but to each his own on that front and I really doubt it would be a virus/spyware anyway I just asked to be sure you was at least using something ya know.

                I never know who knows what when I post so I have to ask everything just to be sure.

                Ya let me get your settings and specs and when I get back in I will see if anything looks off and advise back


                • #9
                  Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

                  Here is my specs and BIOS, thanks for looking this over! BTW my entire system is stock, nothing is OC'ed.

                  GA-EP45-UD3P ver1.6 (FB Bios)
                  E8500 (3.16ghz) (stock HSF)
                  4 gigs ram (two 2gig sticks) - OCZ2F10662G
                  BFG 750w PSU
                  ATI Radeon x1650 video card (this is my backup card. Once the system gets stable I'll switch back to my Nvidia Geforce 9800 GTX+)
                  Sound: Using built in sound from MB
                  2 - SATA WD Harddrives
                  1- IDE WD Harddrive
                  1 - Memorex DVD-ROM player
                  1 - Memorex 52 speed CDRW player
                  1 - Expansion IDE PCI card so I can run the 3rd of the IDE devices listed above.
                  Case: Coolmaster 690 (with 3 120mm fans)

                  MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
                  Robust Graphics Booster ...............: AUTO
                  CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 9 x
                  Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:+0.5
                  CPU Frequency ...........................: 3.16GHZ (333x9.5)
                  Clock Chip Control 
                  Standard Clock Control
                  CPU Host Clock Control..................: [DISABLED] 
                  CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 266Mhz
                  PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:AUTO
                  C.I.A.2 .................................:[DISABLED]
                  Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
                  CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800
                  PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900
                  CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0 
                  MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0 
                  DRAM Performance Control
                  Performance Enhance...................: [TURBO]
                  #### Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled ##### (I don't have this one listed)
                  (G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [AUTO]
                  System Memory Multiplier ..............: 3.20B
                  Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 800 1066
                  DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [MANUAL]
                  Standard Timing Control
                  CAS Latency Time........................ 6
                  tRCD ......................................... 7
                  tRP'........................................... 7
                  tRAS.......................................... 15
                  Set all Suggested below to highest Values first.  Then later you can lower, one at a time, testing as you go
                  Advanced Timing Control
                  tRRD........................................... 3 [AUTO]
                  tWTR.......................................... 3 [AUTO]
                  tWR............................................ 6 [AUTO]
                  tRFC........................................... 54 [AUTO]
                  tRTP........................................... 3 [AUTO]
                  Command Rate (CMD) ....................: 0 [AUTO]
                  Driving Strength Profiles
                  Driving Strength ............................
                  Channel A
                  Static tRead Value.........................:6 [AUTO]
                   tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:[AUTO]
                  tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:[AUTO]
                   tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:[AUTO]
                   tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:[AUTO]
                  Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:[AUTO]
                  Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:[AUTO]
                  Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:[AUTO]
                  Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:[AUTO]
                  Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:[AUTO]
                  Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:[AUTO]
                  Channel B
                  Static tRead Value.........................:6 [AUTO]
                   tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:[AUTO]
                  tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:[AUTO]
                   tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:[AUTO]
                   tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:[AUTO]
                  Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:[AUTO] 
                  Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:[AUTO] 
                  Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:[AUTO]
                  Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:[AUTO]
                  Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:[AUTO]
                  Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:[AUTO]
                  Motherboard Voltage Control
                  CPU Vcore….……….........................:[AUTO]
                  CPU Termination…..... 1.200V [AUTO]
                  CPU PLL…………………....1.500V [AUTO]
                  CPU Referen.…………....0.760 [AUTO]
                  #####CPU Reference2………,, ####### --- (Don't have this one listed)
                  MCH Core…………….....1.100V [AUTO]
                  MCH Reference….…….0.760V [AUTO]
                  MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V [AUTO]
                  ICH I/O……………….....1.500V [AUTO]
                  ICH Core…………...……1.100V [AUTO]
                  DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V [AUTO]
                  DRAM Termination .…0.900V [AUTO]
                  Channel A Reference 0.900V [AUTO]
                  Channel B Reference 0.900V [AUTO]
                  Advanced Settings
                  Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [DISABLED]
                  No-Execute Memory Protect............: [ENABLED]
                  CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [ENABLED]
                  C2/C2E State Support....................: [DISABLED]
                  x C4/C4E State Support..................: [DISABLED]
                  CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [ENABLED]
                  CPU EIST Function.........................: [ENABLED]
                  Virtualization Technology................: [ENABLED]
                  Integrated Peripherals
                  #####Legacy USB Storage Detect ..............[Disabled]  ##### (don't have this one listed, but I do have USB STORAGE FUNCTION (ENABLED)
                  Also a question about this one: ONBOARD SATA/IDE CTRL MODE. It's defaulted to IDE, but I have 2 SATA drives, one of which is my boot. Should I change it to AHCI? I don't have my drives configured for RAID.


                  And out of curiosity, is there a specific SATA port I have to plug my boot drive from? Right now I have both of them plugged into that 6 port thing at the bottom right of the motherboard. I know there's 2 more SATA ports on the middle right area above that, but wasn't sure if it would have an effect one way or the other.


                  • #10
                    Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

                    Originally posted by Esch View Post
                    Here is my specs and BIOS, thanks for looking this over! BTW my entire system is stock, nothing is OC'ed.

                    GA-EP45-UD3P ver1.6 (FB Bios)
                    E8500 (3.16ghz) (stock HSF)
                    4 gigs ram (two 2gig sticks) - OCZ2F10662G
                    BFG 750w PSU
                    ATI Radeon x1650 video card (this is my backup card. Once the system gets stable I'll switch back to my Nvidia Geforce 9800 GTX+)
                    Sound: Using built in sound from MB
                    2 - SATA WD Harddrives
                    1- IDE WD Harddrive
                    1 - Memorex DVD-ROM player
                    1 - Memorex 52 speed CDRW player
                    1 - Expansion IDE PCI card so I can run the 3rd of the IDE devices listed above.
                    Case: Coolmaster 690 (with 3 120mm fans)

                    MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
                    Robust Graphics Booster ...............: AUTO
                    CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 9 x
                    Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:+0.5
                    CPU Frequency ...........................: 3.16GHZ (333x9.5)
                    Clock Chip Control 
                    Standard Clock Control
                    CPU Host Clock Control..................: [DISABLED] 
                    CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 266Mhz [COLOR=Red]<--- 333 to equal 3.16 ghz (333x9.5)[/COLOR]
                    PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........:AUTO [COLOR=Red]<--- set to 100[/COLOR]
                    C.I.A.2 .................................:[DISABLED]
                    Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
                    CPU Clock Drive...........................: 800
                    PCI Express Clock Drive.................: 900
                    CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: 0 
                    MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: 0 
                    DRAM Performance Control
                    Performance Enhance...................: [TURBO]
                    #### Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled ##### (I don't have this one listed)
                    (G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [AUTO]
                    System Memory Multiplier ..............: 3.20B
                    Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: 800 1066
                    DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [MANUAL]
                    Standard Timing Control
                    CAS Latency Time........................ 6
                    tRCD ......................................... 7
                    tRP'........................................... 7
                    tRAS.......................................... 15
                    Set all Suggested below to highest Values first.  Then later you can lower, one at a time, testing as you go
                    Advanced Timing Control
                    tRRD........................................... 3 [AUTO]
                    tWTR.......................................... 3 [AUTO]
                    tWR............................................ 6 [AUTO]
                    tRFC........................................... 54 [AUTO]
                    tRTP........................................... 3 [AUTO]
                    Command Rate (CMD) ....................: 0 [AUTO]
                    Driving Strength Profiles
                    Driving Strength ............................
                    Channel A
                    Static tRead Value.........................:6 [AUTO]
                     tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:[AUTO]
                    tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:[AUTO]
                     tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:[AUTO]
                     tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:[AUTO]
                    Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:[AUTO]
                    Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:[AUTO]
                    Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:[AUTO]
                    Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:[AUTO]
                    Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:[AUTO]
                    Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:[AUTO]
                    Channel B
                    Static tRead Value.........................:6 [AUTO]
                     tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:[AUTO]
                    tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:[AUTO]
                     tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:[AUTO]
                     tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:[AUTO]
                    Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:[AUTO] 
                    Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:[AUTO] 
                    Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:[AUTO]
                    Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:[AUTO]
                    Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:[AUTO]
                    Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:[AUTO]
                    Motherboard Voltage Control
                    CPU Vcore�.���.........................:[AUTO][COLOR=Red] <--- dont use auto[/COLOR]
                    CPU Termination�..... 1.200V [AUTO]  [COLOR=Red]<--- dont use auto[/COLOR]
                    CPU PLL�������....1.500V [AUTO]  [COLOR=Red]<--- dont use auto[/COLOR]
                    CPU Referen.����....0.760 [AUTO]  [COLOR=Red]<--- dont use auto[/COLOR]
                    #####CPU Reference2���,, ####### --- (Don't have this one listed)
                    MCH Core�����.....1.100V [AUTO]  [COLOR=Red]<--- dont use auto[/COLOR]
                    MCH Reference�.��.0.760V [AUTO]
                    MCH/DRAM Ref.�......0.900V [AUTO]
                    ICH I/O������.....1.500V [AUTO]  [COLOR=Red]<---- set to 1.5[/COLOR]
                    ICH Core����...��1.100V [AUTO]  [COLOR=Red]<---- set to 1.1[/COLOR]
                    DRAM Voltage ��....1.800V [AUTO]  [COLOR=Red]<---- set to what your ram is spec'd at.[/COLOR]
                    DRAM Termination .�0.900V [AUTO]
                    Channel A Reference 0.900V [AUTO]
                    Channel B Reference 0.900V [AUTO]
                    Advanced Settings
                    Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [DISABLED]
                    No-Execute Memory Protect............: [ENABLED]
                    CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [ENABLED]
                    C2/C2E State Support....................: [DISABLED]
                    x C4/C4E State Support..................: [DISABLED]
                    CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [ENABLED]
                    CPU EIST Function.........................: [ENABLED]
                    Virtualization Technology................: [ENABLED]
                    Integrated Peripherals
                    #####Legacy USB Storage Detect ..............[Disabled]  ##### (don't have this one listed, but I do have USB STORAGE FUNCTION (ENABLED)
                    Also a question about this one: ONBOARD SATA/IDE CTRL MODE. It's defaulted to IDE, but I have 2 SATA drives, one of which is my boot. Should I change it to AHCI? I don't have my drives configured for RAID.


                    And out of curiosity, is there a specific SATA port I have to plug my boot drive from? Right now I have both of them plugged into that 6 port thing at the bottom right of the motherboard. I know there's 2 more SATA ports on the middle right area above that, but wasn't sure if it would have an effect one way or the other.
                    Yes the onboard sata ctrl set right. you can enable ahci if you wanted to but you would have to reinstall windows at that point or even if you wanted raid you would have to reinstall. The yellow ports are the intel chip set the purple ones are the Jmicron/Gigabyte controler.

                    As far as your bios settings see the changes i have marked in red. when overclocking Auto votltage is bad it over volts. Set voltages manualy. Try setting all setting to defualt with stock over clock and see if you have a problem could be the auto settings messing things up.
                    Main Rig
                    Gigabyte z87x-OC
                    Haswell i7 4770k - 4.7Ghz @ 1.330v LLC Extreme (L310B492)
                    G.Skill F3-1700CL9D-8GBXM DDR3-2133mhz 9-11-10-28 1.65v @ 2800mhz 12-14-14-35 1.7v
                    Samsung Green 8GB 2x4GB MV-3V4G3D/US DDR3 1.3v 30nn @ 2200Mhz 11-11-11-32 1.60v
                    Sapphire ATI HD 7970 3GB clocked 1200MHz @ 1.181v.
                    HiS ATI HD 6950
                    Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD (boot Drive) on Intel sata3 controller port0
                    Corsair Force GT 120 GB Sata3 SSD on Intel sata3 controller port1
                    Samsung 320GB HD322GJ 7200 RPM 16M cache on Intel sata3 controller port2
                    Sony Optiarc DVD-RW AD-7240S on Intel sata3 controller port5
                    CORSAIR CMPSU-850TX PSU
                    Swiftech MCP655-B Pump
                    EK Supremacy Cpu Block
                    Swiftech Mcres Micro Rev 2 Reservoir
                    Black Ice GTX Xtreme 360 Radiator


                    • #11
                      Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!


                      For all the voltage settings, do I just manually enter the same numbers that appear to the left under the "normal" column next to AUTO?

                      Thanks for looking this over!

                      Edit: Also where do I go to fill out the RMA on the original board?
                      Last edited by Esch; 08-13-2009, 02:30 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

                        For DDR-1066 you memory needs DRAM Voltage 2.1v. Auto may set it to 1.9v but it's still too low.
                        Ram page says it's EPP ready I wonder why you don't have the XMP option, have you began with loading optimized defaults?
                        Could you post screen capture of MemSet main and spd window(click the spd button) and EasyTune advanced voltage?


                        • #13
                          Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

                          Originally posted by Chike View Post
                          For DDR-1066 you memory needs DRAM Voltage 2.1v. Auto may set it to 1.9v but it's still too low.
                          Ram page says it's EPP ready I wonder why you don't have the XMP option, have you began with loading optimized defaults?
                          Could you post screen capture of MemSet main and spd window(click the spd button) and EasyTune advanced voltage?
                          I didn't do optimized when I started, I just jumped in and changed the CPU and RAM settings and that was it.

                          Sorry, I'm a little confused, where is the MemSet at? You talking about using CPU-Z or is this another program? Attached is the Easytune page. Note I have not made any of the changes to the bios per the previous recommendation yet....


                          • #14
                            Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

                            Originally posted by Esch View Post
                            I didn't do optimized when I started, I just jumped in and changed the CPU and RAM settings and that was it.

                            Sorry, I'm a little confused, where is the MemSet at? You talking about using CPU-Z or is this another program? Attached is the Easytune page. Note I have not made any of the changes to the bios per the previous recommendation yet....

                            yes after clearing the bios with jumper/remove battery you should load optimized defaults to reset all settings default to cpu. save changes with F10 and reboot renter bios and reset M.I.T settings. Yes the voltages to the left are the default voltages. Cpu Vcore value on left is the Vid for your cpu to run at defualt speed. Mch voltage may set to 1.2 - 1.28 for 2x2g ram. Dram voltage set manually to atleast 2.0v for ddr2 1066 may need the 2.1v

                            For ET6 voltages you wanna look at the Tuner tab then the advance buttong then the voltages tab. That will show you what you are using in bios if all are set to auto or what you have manually entered in.
                            Main Rig
                            Gigabyte z87x-OC
                            Haswell i7 4770k - 4.7Ghz @ 1.330v LLC Extreme (L310B492)
                            G.Skill F3-1700CL9D-8GBXM DDR3-2133mhz 9-11-10-28 1.65v @ 2800mhz 12-14-14-35 1.7v
                            Samsung Green 8GB 2x4GB MV-3V4G3D/US DDR3 1.3v 30nn @ 2200Mhz 11-11-11-32 1.60v
                            Sapphire ATI HD 7970 3GB clocked 1200MHz @ 1.181v.
                            HiS ATI HD 6950
                            Samsung 840 Pro 256GB SSD (boot Drive) on Intel sata3 controller port0
                            Corsair Force GT 120 GB Sata3 SSD on Intel sata3 controller port1
                            Samsung 320GB HD322GJ 7200 RPM 16M cache on Intel sata3 controller port2
                            Sony Optiarc DVD-RW AD-7240S on Intel sata3 controller port5
                            CORSAIR CMPSU-850TX PSU
                            Swiftech MCP655-B Pump
                            EK Supremacy Cpu Block
                            Swiftech Mcres Micro Rev 2 Reservoir
                            Black Ice GTX Xtreme 360 Radiator


                            • #15
                              Re: EP45-UD3P Stuttering problem - Help!

                              Ok I rebooted and set optimized defaults... this fixed the 266mhz CPU host frequency issue. That's now at 333. I have not changed the main voltage settings, however I have a question on the ram voltage..

                              I noticed that from 2.1 on the color turns pink, then after another set of numbers, it then turns red. My guess is it's warning me that the voltage is getting too high. So, do I still set it to 2.1 even though the MB shows it being borderline dangerous high voltage?

