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FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

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  • - wardog -
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    No one's dumb here on Tt. No one.

    One more screenie if you would. That being OC Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control (the one that has "Auto" next to it), set it to Manual and that subsequent data next shown/opened is the one I'm looking for.

    Check that both sticks have the same SPD data programmed, either by looking separately at A2 and B2 in the BIOS or in CPU-Z's SPD tab. The numbers shown should match stick to stick, row to row, column to column.

    Lastly, describe how you set them to 1866 or 2133 in the BIOS please.


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  • ASCI Blue
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    I had reset my memory over the weekend as well, it was one of my first thoughts as well as trying a single stick and I tried slot B1 alone but system wouldn't boot. I'm dumb and imjur is way smarter than I am, I hadn't created an album. I fail. :p

    I didn't intend to sound defensive, just the first part of a list. Text form of anything is a horrid way to communicate. :P While both are specced to run at 2133, the reality is one is not, I'm not sure which but this kind of reminds me of a previous motherboard I had where it wouldn't run 133 mhz ram at 133 unless the board was set for 133. There was some minor fiddling to do with the multiplier due to this a well and I want to say it was my Athlon 700. It went from 7x100 to 5.5x133 which also netted me a slight overclock as well.

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  • - wardog -
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    Originally posted by ASCI Blue View Post
    First I do have a very stable, running system. I had typed my previous messages from it and have put several hours of gaming into it as well. The only problem with it literally is the RAM not running at 2133 or anything above 1600 for that matter.
    The memory controller on the 7850K is spec'd at 2133. As well, your memory/ram is spec'd at 2133. While it seems stable and running do you agree or disagree that one or both CPU and or memory is not functioning as it should be while not booting at anything over 1600 ?!?

    Please, I am here attempting to help you. I am beginning to feel as though you believe me the enemy. Lower your defense shield. And while you're at it firmly reseat both memory sticks in their slots.

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  • - wardog -
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    If those pics are there in your Imgur Gallery at this time they probably need to be made Public. One hour after your post above and nothing is publicly available.

    asciblue's albums
    asciblue does not have any public albums or public images. There's nothing else to see here.

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  • ASCI Blue
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    First I do have a very stable, running system. I had typed my previous messages from it and have put several hours of gaming into it as well. The only problem with it literally is the RAM not running at 2133 or anything above 1600 for that matter. I have pictures now of my bios, probably a tad overzealous with them but there's no such thing as too much intel right? :D

    I hope that posting a link to my pictures is okay to save on bandwidth, asciblue's albums - Imgur this includes the majority of options related to ocing, ram, processor, apu, and voltage.

    I'll be posting in the GSkill section as well, hopefully this is some form of easy fix. I'm starting to wonder if some kind of bios update is needed as using some google-fu has found very few success stories from people with the same issue.

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  • - wardog -
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    Originally posted by ASCI Blue View Post
    I have a bfgr550wgxpsu I'm assuming it's providing adequate power
    Sorry for my asking that q. False alarm. While looking at the BFG psu's I was, I mistakenly saw that 1.0A listed on top on the psus sticker and somehow didn't see the . there. Thus initially concerned you might have had a PSU there with 10a 12v rail instead of the actual 18a you do have. Again, sorry there. Most manuf's put that 1.0a below the rails actual rating on the sticker, not above, thus my confusion.

    Looking forward here to these BIOS screenies.

    Let's not be to anxious or ready to change much speed, timing, or voltage wise until you have a stable running system there. It simply complicates matters when trying to diagnose. That they haven't yet run easily at their DEFAULT settings is concern enough, never mind any unnecessary above stock voltage and or timing changes you might make in diagnosing. IOW, Finesse, not a hammer. All a hammer gets you is a kludge, not necessarily the root cause/cure/solve.

    I just did a run at G.Skills Ram Configurator HERE and don't see this memory on the pages listings. That might mean they haven't tested this kit with your Killer yet or it may signify an incompatibility. But dang, they're spec'd at 11-11-11-30 2T @ 1.5-1.6v and I for the life of me can't think they aren't compatible in that spec. Those are IMO bone AMD specs.

    Please, go HERE (TweakTown G.Skill Tech Support) and make a post for Matt the G.Skill Tech there asking to have him check compatibility on your FM2A88x+ Killer/F3-17000CL11D-8GBXL pairing. Assuming they do have a Killer board there he'll answer you ASAP.

    In the meantime would you download and run MemTest86+ against these two sticks/kit you have. If only to rule out the possibility of your having a bad stick that's causing you these troubles.

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  • ASCI Blue
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    I have a bfgr550wgxpsu I'm assuming it's providing adequate power since I have increased the voltage settings slightly, to 1.65 for the RAM prior to resetting to get the system working agian. I have however NOT played with the CAS, RAS, and the like. The AMD compatible RAM is rated at 8-8-8, or generally lower than the 11-11-11-30 of what I've got. For fun I tried the psu calc in your sig, I added an R7 250 and the recommendation is for a 327 watter.

    I didn't know I could take screenies from within the bios, if I had I'd have tossed my thumb drive into my bag for this weekend, it's at home and will be recovered later today. I've had to reset the bios after ANY time I adjust RAM speeds, but I have successfully done a very slight overclock of the CPU (to 4 gig) and have the GPU running at 800 now.

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  • - wardog -
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    Originally posted by ASCI Blue View Post
    Tried profile 2, the bios would read 2133, claimed windows was corrupt. I booted to safe mode after resetting speed, rebooted, unplugged the drive, set to 2133, checked bios and it was successful, plugged back in, and tried to start Windows. It was a big no-go. Rebooted again, reset speed, booted to safe mode, rebooted and it started fine. This is making my brain hurt unless this board is just that picky.
    No one will get emails to their Inbox at home if you edit posts instead of creating a new post.

    Can I suggest you clear your BIOS and begin anew? What you describe above seems as if somethings now amiss in the BIOS and clearing it, while after making any necessary changes before Windows boots, will cure this.

    BOIS screenshots would be nice here too. It's super simple to take BIOS screenshots and post them here. From within the BIOS, with a USB stick in a Bolton native USB 2.0 port, pressing F12 will capture an amazing screenie of what is displayed on the monitor and save it to the root of the USB drive. When that particular BIOS page has more hidden lower simply scroll down and press F12 again. Thus ensuring all that pages info gets captured and posted.

    While keeping focus on what's been typed, let's also look at a different tangent here. BFG, now long gone. What model number of 550w PSU is it you have there?

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  • ASCI Blue
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    It would be the power down enable setting in the bios. I'm not sure if it could be a potential problem or not but it was enabled for no reason so I've disabled it and will continue experiments during the week. I have the XMP profile set to auto.

    Now that I can really read my screen (pretend long story) I see you do have the same ram I do only double. Does yours run at a full 2133?

    Tried profile 2, the bios would read 2133, claimed windows was corrupt. I booted to safe mode after resetting speed, rebooted, unplugged the drive, set to 2133, checked bios and it was successful, plugged back in, and tried to start Windows. It was a big no-go. Rebooted again, reset speed, booted to safe mode, rebooted and it started fine. This is making my brain hurt unless this board is just that picky.
    Last edited by ASCI Blue; 03-21-2014, 11:43 PM.

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  • - wardog -
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    Originally posted by ASCI Blue View Post
    I was doing some more homework and found some weird thing that causes incompatibility when it's enabled so I disabled it, and it is memory related. I'm not home atm so totally spacing on the setting but I think it had to do with preset timings or something. When I get back after backing everything up, I plan to tool around with the settings a bit.

    My next question would be do I need to changing the CAS, RAS, and the like or should 11-11-11-30 work?
    What setting are you referring to? Using the preset XMP Profile timings from within the BIOS instead of manually entering/setting the timings?

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  • ASCI Blue
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    I was doing some more homework and found some weird thing that causes incompatibility when it's enabled so I disabled it, and it is memory related. I'm not home atm so totally spacing on the setting but I think it had to do with preset timings or something. When I get back after backing everything up, I plan to tool around with the settings a bit.

    My next question would be do I need to changing the CAS, RAS, and the like or should 11-11-11-30 work?

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  • - wardog -
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    Wow! Good luck with it there.

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  • ASCI Blue
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    Originally posted by - wardog - View Post
    I've got the same memory as you on a comparative A88X board using an almost comparative A10-6800K.

    My initial guess would be you have the memory in slots DDR3_A1 and DDR3_B1, whereas the manual on pg 18 clearly implores using DDR3_A2 and DDR3_B2. Commonly done and easily rectified.

    And or, you're choosing the 2133 XMP Profile that uses a CR(Command Rate) of 1. Whereas having it at 2 may be more favorable.

    My RAM is in slots A2/B2. I did RTFM before my install. :D I wonder if we're using the same RAM though as per G.Skill's site there is also this: which is slightly different from what I've purchased. I'm still somewhat shocked there is a different piece of hardware for the AMD platform as what I've purchased is listed under Intel's platform for a comparable motherboard.

    I'll look into that bios setting more once I'm done installing all my crap and have a chance to make a clone of the drive.

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  • - wardog -
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    Originally posted by - wardog - View Post
    And or, you're choosing the 2133 XMP Profile that uses a CR(Command Rate) of 1. Whereas having it at 2 may be more favorable.
    And or, you're choosing the 2133 XMP Profile that uses a CR(Command Rate) of 1. Whereas choosing the XMP Profile that has the CR of 2 may be more favorable.

    Sorry for that. For once it wasn't a matter of my fingers getting ahead of my brain while typing that first reply of mine.

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  • - wardog -
    Re: FM2A88X+ Fatality RAM won't run beyond 1600

    I've got the same memory as you on a comparative A88X board using an almost comparative A10-6800K.

    My initial guess would be you have the memory in slots DDR3_A1 and DDR3_B1, whereas the manual on pg 18 clearly implores using DDR3_A2 and DDR3_B2. Commonly done and easily rectified.
    4. If you adopt DDR3 2600/2400/2133/1866/1600 memory modules on this
    motherboard, it is recommended to install them on DDR3_A2 and DDR3_
    B2 slots.
    And or, you're choosing the 2133 XMP Profile that uses a CR(Command Rate) of 1. Whereas having it at 2 may be more favorable.

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