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400FSB and DDR400

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  • 400FSB and DDR400


    I'm kinda new at all the FSB and multiplier stuff, but here goes. Is it possible to run a 1.7Ghz Celery with a 400FSB (100x4) and run DDR400 memory? I was messing around with my BIOS and it seems that I can't run my DDR400 any faster than DDR266 unless I OC. Is this right? The only memory multiplier option I have for the 400FSB is 2.66 or auto. If I use Gigabyte's EasyTuner and turn my memory up to 400mhz, it turns my cpu up to 3.5Ghz, and I don't think that's a good idea.

    Here's what I have:

    Gigabyte 8IPE1000 Pro GT MB
    Intel Celeron 1.7Ghz
    Geil DDR400 512MB
    Radeon 9200


  • #2
    That is probably correct.

    The only way you could run DDR400 is if you have a 1:2 ratio, 1fsb = 2mhz on the memory.

    It would be labeled as a DDR400 setting in your BIOS though.


    • #3
      yea that seams right..

      but i find cellys hard to oc...well for me anyways


      • #4
        Celerons overclock VERY well...usually.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Soulburner
          Celerons overclock VERY well...usually.
          Well, they need SOMETHING going for them- the last non POS celery IMO was the 466. After that Intel realised that the server boys were buying Abit BP6 mobo's and putting 2 of them in, and getting more performance out of it than a single P400 (for servers or other MP enabled apps.) So Intel made the 500's non MP. After that, the Duron crapped all over them.
          While the celery's are meant to overclock well, 1.7 up to 3.5 is full-on.

