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  • Much better, and thanks....:thumb:
    Not long ago, I went through the same thing...I posted a couple pics that were so big they got cut off on the top..:eek: I'm just lovin' the pic resizer, and I'm getting much better at photo editing, though the pics aren't pro quality or anything. My digital cam is only a 2 does the job though :cheers:


    • Me first time drive'in standard.


      • Originally posted by rugbydude
        [B]How can u call that a POWERbook:confused:
        It *is* 3 years old. And it can run Return to castle Wolfinstien, WC III, Q 2, UT, Marathon, Maya, as well as many other high end progs.

        That one of the nice things about Macs even though it's so old and weak it's still useable.

        And a old laptop at that.

        Thats why I'm foaming at the mouth to get a new comp.

        Same trip. Me again. One of only three picts or so of me on this trip from over 500 shots. Curse of owning the cam.


        • Oh lookin very cool smokes:cool:


          • And finally my cat "Cricket" passed out after a whole day of doing jack squat.

            Cat is also referred to as:
            Stupid (responds to this one)
            dumb ass
            slobber monster
            among others...


            • oy dryad! where are you?! get your arse back in here and stop whinging to smokey that he hasnt posted! :D
              we can't shut him up now! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

              so.... dryad - where's a more recent one of you? like this millenium, century, whatever?!


              • ahhh..... isn't she cute?!

                I love it when cats do that cute crossed-paws thing when they're sleeping


                • The best is when she whines at me if I turn on the light when she's tryin to sleep and she uses her paws to cover her eyes. I'll try and grab a shot of it at some point. It is super cute.

                  I'll also see if I can capture one of her, "man I drank waaaayy to much last night" sleeping poses.

                  Originally posted by Sunshine
                  [B]oy dryad! where are you?! get your arse back in here and stop whinging to smokey that he hasnt posted! :D
                  Thats me, I'm either silent or blabbing my head off.


                  • I "lost" my two - one a year ago aged 17, the other this Christmas aged 18.... I was/am heartbroken.:(
                    cats are darn intelligent creatures, and yet fiercely independent - I think that is why they are so lovable.

                    (post # 1000 by the way! :wow: )


                    • :( I'm sorry. What were their names? :(


                      • <CenteR><Small>umm. there's a thing called 'abreviation'(sp?) which people are using wrongly.<Br>there are now twoo 'ss' on the site.<br>it's confusing me, and a few others.<br>i just always thought ss was me, but now it's really confusing.<br>please use proper and suitable abreviations(sp?)<br>so we know what you are talking about and talking to.<br>merry christmas.<Br>wings: </centeR></small>


                        • Comment

                          • Ok Slamo's Sister what would you like us to call u:confused: And er why are we talking about cats this aint a cat it:confused: :confused:


                            • slamo's sister:- sure, you're "SS" :)

                              doesn't bother me - I call myself "Sunshine" ;)

                              (SS doesn't exactly have positive connotations here in Holland anyway :rolleyes: )

                              <center> </center>


                              • smokey - I wont tell their real names (I was a teenager in '80s when I got them as kittens!;) ) but one kept her name the whole time - the other's name changed over time to the sounds she made - she rarely mewed, but was so short sighted that when she landed she would give a little "mewrurp" of surprise! :laugh: so that was what she got called..... until she realised she could mew - but the other was a Burmese Blue with a Siamese yowl - and the moggy sounded so pathetic in mewling in comparison that she got called "squeak" for a bit! :laugh:

