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  • #16
    Same down our way - Hmm drugs are bad, people should just stick to alcohol... :)
    Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
    Managing Director
    Tweak Town Pty Ltd


    • #17
      Alcohol isn't without it's own problems with increased risky behavior etc.


      • #18
        Well i'm a teen and am constantly surrounded by teens with drugs, etc. This is only just a handful of people. The majority of us don't do anything but the odd binge drink every now and then - If that.


        • #19
          Good!! ACID I certainly hope that means that Australia has less of a problem than we do. We've got a lot of great teenages too, but I do not believe they are in the majority.


          • #20
            Xstacy dominates south Florida...and well its bad...I don't even touch that stuff...even with all the persuasion of the beach night life and clubs. Drinking tho is what i do...not a lot and try to keep my self indoors...when i do...:cheers: : peace2:
            - Damien


            • #21
              I'm with Slamo, i think i'm one of the last surviving few that hasn't taken drugs at my school also, 3/4 (if not more) of the school population comes to school on a high, or a hangover, and then complain to the teachers why they don't do well, trying to put the blame on them, its rather pathetic if you ask me....
              i Quote a wise man;
              "There is a time and a place for everything, it is called College"



              • #22
                Pot seems to be the main influence around this neck or the woods.


                • #23
                  There's some really weird chemicals bein' sold now days. :eek:

                  <center>If it ain't natural then don't touch it! :scream:


                  • #24
                    I'll stick with my coffee adiction


                    • #25
                      I'm addicted to diet cokes and ...


                      • #26

                        Drugged teenagers :lips:

                        Seriously Though,

                        I think the worst possible thing the government can do is make drug taking illegal. That has the following consequences

                        1. Makes it harder for people who want help to get help since they are worried about getting locked up, etc.

                        2. Makes it more profitable for smugglers

                        3. Gets criminals involved in the drub business - its bad enough dealing with addicts without worring about chasing criminals

                        If 1/4 of the money spent on chasing down criminals was spent on education/ health care/ rehab etc. and providing an alternate income to the growers of poppies, you'd find a huge reduction in the number of deaths etc. from drug abuse


                        • #27
                          Treatment is so important. The government could make so much money & reduce taxes if they sold the drugs.


                          • #28
                            Hummm teens and drugs..... I have a teenage daughter.... this is what lead me to drugs.... lol specially when she hit the pms days....

                            stormyweather from tricks puter


                            • #29
                              Looks like you're having a rough week there stormy weather. Hope the forums pick up your spirits.

