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Overclockin a AMD 1600

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  • Overclockin a AMD 1600

    How would i go about overclocking a AMD 1600?????:confused:

  • #2
    All overclocking is done in the BIOS, youll need to adjust the FSB or the multipliers, and depending on the board, you may need to unlock the CPU


    • #3
      What mainboard do you have? This defines what you bios is like and usually the overclockability of your system. What type of RAM?

      You probably have a palomino core like me (though not definitely) - to check, is the core revision on the core or on a sticker to one side... not really necessary.

      If you have a palomino you will only be able to overclock using FSB until you unlock it. Not so sure about thoroughbreds as I don't have one, but some are unlocked from the factory...

      I had my XP1600 running absolutely stable at about 1650 even though I had really low temps, but best was actually at 1562 as my memory is running at 370MHz. Did have it stable at 1700, but caused prob's in Warcraft 3, only . Just need to unlock my core now...

      You will want to install MBM5 or something else before you do too much, as you may need to increase the VCore (also in bios), so you will need to watch temps and make sure your other voltages (+5, +12, +3.3) don't change. More speed needs more power!:flames:

      Oh, and you should have a decent cooling setup. Probably the most important thing actually. You don't want to fry your CPU (though that is harder to do these days), and high temps mean more instability.


      • #4
        Okies this link for starters,

        Then for the full system tune,

        Good luck. :devil win


        • #5
          Oh yeah... well, will try and use that next time. Research is the key!

