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Athlon XP 2100+

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  • Athlon XP 2100+

    I have bumped my FSB up to 139, and i have my 2100+ running at 1.81. Does anyone have any experience with the 2100 and what is the safest way to OC this.

  • #2
    This will give ya the best help, but anywhere between 1800-1900MHz is the norm for these and 140-145MHz on the FSB should be about where ya need to go. :devil win


    • #3

      Did you have to unlock you CPU in order to do this? I have the same CPU and want to try and increase my performance but I dont want to manipulate the processor and risk damaging it and voiding my warantee.


      • #4
        No just increased the FSB through the BIOS


        • #5
          I bumped my XP 2100 FSB to 147 and I am currently running smoothly at 1.92.


          • #6
            Now that wasn't hard was it? :devil:


            • #7
              Not hard but I got carried away... Bumped it to 166 (my max) and all I got was a black screen! I reset cmos and returned it back to 147 @ 1.92.

              Hmmmm, what else can I try!


              • #8
                Have ya done any voltage increases and how're ya temps? :?:


                • #9
                  No, I have not done any voltage increases. Should I give it a try? I assume that if I increase my voltage I can increase my FSB speed?? Is that the theory behind it?

                  My temp is steady at 54c. Is this a decent temp? I am using a Volcano 6 so I dont want to push my luck.


                  • #10
                    Until ya get some better coolin' I'd wind it back to 145MHz FSB as that temp is high and it's best to keep them below 50C. ;)

                    Does your system run cooler if ya have the case open? :?:


                    • #11
                      Actually, that is with the case open. I have been working on my PC all day and have not had the case on it. What is an ideal temp that I am looking to run it at? Out of the box I was running at 51c without any tweaks.

                      Will the volcano 7 be a good fan for my situation?


                      • #12
                        No but a Volcano 7+ would be (but not the 9 either). ;)


                        • #13
                          Wiggo excuse me for asking but do you mean the cpu current temp for the Athlon Xp 2100 + should be under 50C CPU CURRENT temp or do you mean the CPU HYSTERESIS temp. my hysteresis temp reads 40C? but overall CPU CURRENT temp reads 54C? sometimes +. Even I am using a Thermaltake Volcano 7+. I have to crank it up to full power to to get it to cool at a stable 54C? or sometimes less. My SYSTEM HYSTERESIS TEMP is currently 40C? and system CURRENT TEMP is 44C?. I am still taking your advice for my problem of even trying to get my processor run at proper speed ppl. I have another problem: I think the problem with my battlefiled 1942 game is my hard disk. but im not fully sure. I think i got an ATA 66 hard disk cable
                          (with ABIT KG7 RAID MOBO) which i am using for my ATA 100 120gb caviar western digital 8mb cache special. I'll have to chekc up on this. My mate has battlefield 1942 which his mate copied for him, and his supposedly runs fine on his XP ti 4200 ag 8x setup. although he only runs a current agp 4x mobo. The card is estimated to run at similiar high end speeds that match my card standard. I was advised to update from default asus drivers 21.08 i think they were, directx 8.1 to dx 9 and detonator 41.09. Still no change Battlfield 1942 still plays slowly. I've tried every troublshooting settings i can think of to run the game in low res settings 16/ 32 bit 2x 4x AGP ALIASING on and off. even switched off advanced video bios shadows. No change in game performance??. When I also installed asus smartdoctor a while back it told me that my motherboard was not supplying a stable 3.3 v could this be to do with asus, abit or the power supply??.. Now when i install smardoctor i have to uninstall it quickly as soon as comp boots to windows, i get loads of multi simultaneous windows with the windows beep which blocks out me accesing other programs. i will try to install this again to see what the actual status of the error it tells me is and report it to you. Any help for my 5 thousand questions would be greatly appreciated with double tops ceesya soon


                          • #14
                            what week are you running? is it AIUHB? Anyway i have AIUHB 0303 and i've gotten my multiplier up to 16, havn't been able to touch the fsb due to my *cough*lovely pc 2100 ram. but these chips seem very stable, i hear some of the people running water cooling are getting there week 48's up to clock speeds up 2860 or something like simply blew me away.


                            • #15
                              jamie_horwood I don't know what ya mean by "CPU HYSTERESIS temp" but I'm sittin' here on my main rig (Thunder) and presently the room temp here is 35C and the XP2200+ @ 1900MHz under full load is showin' a temp of 50C so either your case airflow is very poor or ya have the clip of the 7+ on backwards. ;)

