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wot color are UV cc's?

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  • #16
    alias--- they wont cancell each other out but if you hav ever been in a club that has black lights and other types of lighting at the same time then you should remember what i am talking about (unless too many beers clouded the mind and blurred the vision lol.) the uv light itself is strong enough but the reflective properties of the other components will dictate the amount of reflection ond effect of the uv light. (back to my analogy "a white t-shirt at a club under uv light=highly reflective/ a white t-shirt at a club under a uv light with multicolored spot or flood light show = less reflective". that was the reason for the insertion of switches to control the lights indipendently of each other ie.
    uv=on/colored cc=off
    colored cc=on/uv=off
    and adding ambient light from a case window will only reduce the capabillities of a uv light.
    i hope this helped clarify my post.


    • #17
      ur too late, ha ha ahha.
      i already bought my uv cc with some electric blue uv paint.
      i dropped my hdd bay on my cpu in the process, and um, the computer dont turn on any more.... ah oh.
      but thank god for warantees.
      Back in the day when i was a noob, i got them to install the cpu, class act, best $15 i ever spent. :cool:



      • #18
        sry to hear that. let me know how it all looks when you get it runnin again. ie uv with other colors.

