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  • Tpm?

    Whilst I'm here, and so far Gigabyte tech support haven't answered my website query...

    Does anyone actually know what (if any) commercially available TPM modules are compatible with the Z68X-UD3P-B3 boards?
    Similar to a thread I found on HardOCP, I can see a 20-pin Infineon module, but the pinouts don't match (unless it's just naming conventions).

  • #2
    Re: Tpm?

    I got the following back from Gigabyte, which may be of interest to you :

    I then asked about OTHER TPM modules (other manufacturers), not just GB ones, and was told :

    According to related department, we only tested our very own GC-TPM for TPM modules.

    So there you have it....

    So, what I've done is to check out some of the ASUS motherboards which also have TPM headers, and their TPM headers have the same pin out, so I've ordered one of the ASUS TPM modules, to experiment, and will let you know (the issue is that in the UK at least, they are sold out, so I've had to order from mainland Europe).


    • #3
      Re: Tpm?

      Almost there...

      My Asus/Infineon TPM chip arrived today - 20 pins (with 1 blank)
      Small headache is that the GB board has the pins surrounded by the "holder", and the Asus doesnt (and the TPM module PCB is stuck directly onto the pin connectors - so it won't fit).

      Luckily my local h/w shop sells single and 10 pin adaptors, so I'll grab one later and see how it works.

      It will either detect, or fail, as there is no TPM option in the BIOS (unless it only appears when connected)....

      Wish me luck...


      • #4
        Re: Tpm?

        Right, we have "life" so to speak.

        After Gigabyte said they don't sell TPM to the "retail channel", and didn't come back to me on what modules they supported, I went experimenting.

        I bought one of these (not from the linked shop though) : - ASUS TPM-InfineonAs you can see in the picture, the PCB sits "behind" the connector, so you can't actually fit it into the socket on the motherboard without either cutting the PCB, the motherboard connector, or (as I did) acquiring a header extender.

        I acquired two of these :

        10pin Extention Cable Male to Female : Internal Case Cables : Maplin ElectronicsWhich gave me 2 x 10 pin connections - so side by side, 20 pins. I had to remove/bend one pin, as pin 19 on the actual TPM module is blocked.

        I then fitted the module to the motherboard and rebooted, and "Del"'d into BIOS.

        The BIOS now shows an extra option, on the bottom right corner for "Security Chip". You can "Enable/Activate" it (it's disabled by default).

        I then restarted Windows 7, and Device Manager now shows "Security Devices", which expands to show "Trusted Platform Module 1.2".
        The supplied Asus s/w then installed, and of we go. BitLocker etc can now be used with h/w security....

        So, for anyone asking, the GA-Z68X-UD3P-B3 (F7 BIOS) IS compatible with the ASUS TPM-Infineon chip (with spare cables).



        • #5
          Re: Tpm?

          I've put my experiences up on my tech blog
          along with a piece on BitLocker Setting Up BitLocker - Techno Bobbins!

