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ep45-ud3p rev1.6 9600GT Video Issue with Windows 7 32bit

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  • ep45-ud3p rev1.6 9600GT Video Issue with Windows 7 32bit

    I have recently upgraded to the ep45-ud3p rev1.6 and found the move to be quite simple. But now i am running into video issues when playing any video game. When this happens i get this message "Display Driver Stopped Responding and Has Recovered" is this an issue with the 9600gt card, the PCI-E slot on the board or a driver issue. I have researched this online but have found no hard solution to the issue.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: ep45-ud3p rev1.6 9600GT Video Issue with Windows 7 32bit

    Uninstall the driver in the control panel, reboot, run Driver Sweeper and then install the lates drivers from Nvidias website. If it's a driver issue this should fix it. It's unlikely that this has anything to do with the board, the error message points to the video card and video drivers being the problem.


    • #3
      Re: ep45-ud3p rev1.6 9600GT Video Issue with Windows 7 32bit

      Thanks for the quick reply.

      I have gone through and uninstalled it from the control panel, rebooted into safe mode, ran Driver Sweeper, rebooted and then installed the latest and greatest drivers. But I am still seeing the issue anytime i try to play any games or use any type of 3d aplication. Even the little 3d model in the nvidea panel causes the error now. I can say that this is one of the most frustrating issues I have had in a long time. Nothing I have done has been able to resolve it.


      • #4
        Re: ep45-ud3p rev1.6 9600GT Video Issue with Windows 7 32bit

        Have you tried this:
        NVIDIA Forums > Display driver stopped responding and has recoverd

        Also try a different video card if possible.

        This is definitely a video card issue though, you'll probably have better luck getting a solution in the video card forum.

