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x58-ud3r flash bios problem?

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  • x58-ud3r flash bios problem?

    hi evryone
    i flashed the bios f8g which i downloaded from her
    i restart my pc i didnt see any thing on the disply
    i tried takeing out the battry , CLR COMS & put the motherbard,s CD in DVD and restart
    nothig happend

    plz heeeeeeeeeeeelp

  • #2
    Re: x58-ud3r flash bios problem?

    Please try clearing the CMOS fully using the long method I posted in post # 2 here >>

    Then if you have no luck please post your full specs for us and I will give you a few things you can try before you decide you need to RMA.

    What did you flash with? Hope it was not @BIOS!


    • #3
      Re: x58-ud3r flash bios problem?

      yes i used @bios from gigabyte


      • #4
        Re: x58-ud3r flash bios problem?

        Did you try to clear the CMOS using the method I said above yet? If not please do.

        Then if you have no luck, please remove all hard drives, and connect ONLY your CD/DVD Drive to SATA2_0 and put in your motherboard CD and start the machine. Let it run for a while, maybe 5 minutes. Do this a few times, sometimes the BIOS will be copied over from the hidden source on the CD.

        If you still have no luck let me know, and I will point you to the info you need to short the MAIN BIOS chip and make the backup BIOS kick in.


        • #5
          Re: x58-ud3r flash bios problem?

          thank you
          i will try what u said & i will let u know
          thank you again


          • #6
            Re: x58-ud3r flash bios problem?

            Let us know how you get along


            • #7
              Re: x58-ud3r flash bios problem?

              nothing happend
              but there is somthing , whene i plug the ram in the only first stick the (tick tick) sound
              Disappears and whene plug thim all the sound gets back


              • #8
                Re: x58-ud3r flash bios problem?

                You must use only the white slots for your memory, be sure you are doing that.

                Sounds like your may need to either RMA the board, or try shorting the MAIN BIOS Chip. If you want me to link you to the thread with info about doing so let me know

