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GA-EP45T-UD3R Boot Loop Problem.

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  • GA-EP45T-UD3R Boot Loop Problem.

    Hi guys.

    Basically, i always had this problem where after restarting my pc from windows, it would always shutdown and go into a boot loop. To solve it i would just switch it off at the PSU and then switch it on again, and it would be fine... this only always happened at high clocks so i just thought it was major instability...

    I recently got some new RAM as my old kit couldn't run at the rated speed (compatibility problem). It works like a charm now and can finally use the 4.00 DRAM multipliers and hit 1600MHz+!

    After trying for high speeds with my RAM (1800+), i finally found the boot loop problem.... It's when i use 1.32v or more on the MCH Voltage !!! (makes sense now that it only did it at high clocks! )
    I've done thorough testing and i even tried it at low clocks, it always goes into a boot loop after restarting with any MCH voltage of 1.32v or more... I've tried it on different straps, i've tried several different BIOS versions to no avail... so it sounds like a physical problem to me.

    So do u think i should get it replaced??

  • #2
    Re: GA-EP45T-UD3R Boot Loop Problem.

    How much ram are you using? If only 2/4GB you should not need 1.3+ MCH, so maybe you need to try less and adjust other things such as Vtt and MCH Ref.

    It does not need replaced, I just think you are using incorrect voltages on things


    • #3
      Re: GA-EP45T-UD3R Boot Loop Problem.

      Hi mate im using 4GB of DDR3 (2x2GB).

      I should've really said, but i first found out the problem when i was trying for 475x8 with a tRD of 7, ur telling me that doesn't needed 1.3vmch +?

      No matter what i do, if i set 1.32v or more vmch (REGARDLESS OF THE CLOCK), it will boot fine and run prime blend for however long. But as soon as i restart my pc, it would shutdown and go into a continuous boot loop... i would needed to switch it off at the PSU. I've tried 1.32vmch at 480x8, or 266x6, no matter what, when i restart the pc it will go into a boot loop... as soon as i set it to 1.30v it will be completely fine...
      Last edited by Oz.; 08-31-2009, 05:18 AM.


      • #4
        Re: GA-EP45T-UD3R Boot Loop Problem.

        tRD of 7 is not going to work on P45 chipset at 450+ FSB, of course insane voltages such as what you mentioned may help but the chipset it not designed to run that way. tRD of 8 may not even work at 450FSB unless you are using D multi, and even then is iffy.

        P45 is not the same as older chipsets, tRD of 8 is equal to tRD of 7 in previous chipsets, so i think if that is all you are after you should be trying to get 8 stable and with less MCH voltages

        1.3 is too much as well, I know you saw that is when your issue goes away but I still would not be using that for 24/7 voltages either. 1.24-1.28 maybe but not more unless it was for a short time or a benchmark only kinda thing.

        More voltage is not always the answer at all, have you ever set your MCH Ref? If not this is KEY for P45, and would likely help you bring down some things (Such as Vtt, which you have not mentioned) and may even open new doors for you. See the link in my signature for how to properly adjust this voltage


        • #5
          Re: GA-EP45T-UD3R Boot Loop Problem.

          Hi mate thanks you've been really helpful.

          It seems the problem WAS actually VTT... when i set 1.32vmch or more i have to increase VTT from 1.20v or else it will go into a boot loop when i restart my pc... strange no? It can pass hours of prime blend but yet it will go into a boot loop unless i set my VTT higher.

          I never thought that 1.3xvmch was high :S I've seen people running much worse !

          Yes MCH Ref was very important to me! i could not even boot 400FSB unless this was set from 0.76 to 0.80 ! Then from there i can go all the way to 450+.

          I found tRD 7 quite easy to get stable actually. At 450FSB with the 333 strap i was able to get it stable with only 1.20v (10 hours blend stable). I found that the tighter straps allowed lower tRD in my experience. For example at 400 FSB i am able to get tRD 6 with the 200 strap by increasing the MCH voltage to 1.2v+

          Problem solved !!!....
          Last edited by Oz.; 08-31-2009, 08:22 AM.

