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GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB & Q9450 OC settings

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  • GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB & Q9450 OC settings

    Hi there,

    I'm a long time reader, but first time poster. There are some really helpful people here that know there stuff and I was hoping to tap into that wealth of knowledge, in particular Lsdmeasap, you seam to be everywhere at once! All help is welcome though of course

    I have the following setup:

    CPU - Q9450
    COOLER -TRUE with 1200rpm S-Flex fan
    MOBO - GA-X48-DS5
    RAM - 8GB (4 x 2GB) G.Skill PC2-8800 (DDR2-1100) PI 5-5-5-15
    GPU - HIS 4870 512MB
    PSU - Corsair HX-620W
    SOUND - X-Fi Gamer
    CASE - CM-690
    OS - Vista 64bit SP1

    I had the CPU overclocked to 3.2ghz for 24/7 use @ 400x8 with 4GB RAM @ 800mhz using the 2.00D strap for many months (I had a 3.6ghz setting but never used it as there was no gain over 3.2 for what I do). It passed 12hrs+ on each of the Prime95 settings and Memtest 86+ and was super stable in use, voltages and some memory setting were set manually of course.

    I got another 4GB of the same stuff and got it all up and sorted and ran smooth for a month, then while on the net/working the mobo just died! Now, thanks to Gigabytes awesome warranty I've got the replacement so all is well, however I now want to check my settings are all good before I push the system hard again.

    Here's what I have in the BIOS so far, but I have NOT tested full stability (10hrs+ on both Prime95 and Memtest 86+) this time incase I've missed anything. It has passed an hour of Prime95 so far, as an initial test though.


    CPU C1E - Disabled
    CPU TM2 - Enabled
    CPU EIST - Disabled
    Virtualisation - Enabled (Is this even relevant?)

    RGB - [Auto]
    CPU Clock Ratio - [8x]
    CPU Frequency - 3.20Ghz
    CPU Host Clock Control - [Enabled]
    CPU Host Frequency - [400]
    PCE Express Frequency - [100]
    C.I.A.2. - [Disabled]
    Performance Enhance - [Standard]
    System Memory Multiplier (SPD) - [2.00D]
    Memory Frequency (SPD) - [Manual]

    CAS Latency Time - 5 [5]
    DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay - 5 [5]
    DRAM RAS# precharge - 5 [5]
    Precharge Delay (tRAS) - 15 [15]

    ACT to ACT Delay - 3 [Auto]
    Bank Write to Read Delay - 3 [Auto]
    Write to Precharge Delay - 6 [Auto]
    Refresh to ACT Delay - 52 [52]
    Read to Precharge Delay - 3 [Auto]
    Static tRead Value - 9 [8]
    Static tRead Phase Adjust - 0 [Auto]
    Command Rate (CMD) - 2 [2T]

    CPU/PCIEX Clock Driving Control - [800mV]
    CPU Clock Skew Control - [Normal]
    (G)MCH Clock Skew Control - [Normal]

    System Voltage Control - [Manual]
    DDR2 OverVoltage Control - [+0.10V]
    PCI-E Overvoltage Control - [+0.10V]
    FSB OverVoltage Control - [+0.10V]
    (G)MCH OverVoltage Control - [+0.200]
    Loadline Calibration - [Enabled]
    CPU Voltage Calibration - [1.28125V]
    Normal CPU Vcore - 1.2500V

    I think that's it, I don't know if writing it all down from BIOS or typing it all into here took longer!

    The items in bold are the ones I'm not entirely sure about, and I have a few questions:

    Virtualisation - Is this relevant at all? I mainly work, but also game off this PC.

    RGB - Is Auto the right setting or should I pick one?

    Performance Enhance - Is there much to be gained from Performance or Extreme, or is Standard fine? I'm sure I had it on Performance last time?

    System Memory Multiplier (SPD) - Is it worth getting the extra 266Mhz offered from the 1066Mhz or is 1:1 going to be better? I'm happy with 800Mhz unless there is a big difference.

    Memory Timings - the second lot of settings I have no idea about bar the ones already adjusted, do they look alright though?

    (G)MCH OverVoltage Control - What is the safe max for 24/7 use? I had to use 3.0 on the last setup to go even a bit over 3.2Ghz (possibly with 1066 RAM speed though) but I wasn't comfortable because I don't know what the board is good for 24/7?

    Loadline Calibration - Is this meant to be left enabled? If I disable it the Vcore stays at 1.216V under load even if I increase it, with it enabled it goes up as I increase it like it should though?

    I realize that's a bit of info there, but any help is greatly appreciated, I don't think I can deal with another dead mobo just yet...


  • #2
    Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB & Q9450 OC settings

    Virtualisation is only needed to be enabled if you use Vmware or Virtual PC type programs where you would run a OS in your OS. Like running x64 XP inside x86 Vista

    Have you tested out the 2.00B memory Multi? It will give much better results if it is stable for you.

    You may want to set ram voltage to +0.2 if you get any errors as 1.9V may be a little low

    I would disable LLC for a 45nm CPU, but that is just my thoughts on it all. I am sure you have seen many threads with everyone's varying opinions on this. You will just need to increase your voltage to the CPU. It will of course be less at idle and load then what you set, but it should increase in windows/actual for sure when you raise it. You may need to raise it a few spots to get it going as the vdrop/vdroop variance does vary at each setting

    RGB you can use Fast or Turbo if you like, just adds extra bandwidth to the PCI-E Bus so maybe some extra FPS if you game. Otherwise you can leave on Auto if you like

    Performance enhance will override your manual settings for ram voltage and static tRead Value. Best to leave on standard and set these things yourself

    As for your ram speed, well you would just have to test both ways. You can save BIOS profiles to do that. F11 on the MAIN page is save, save your settings you are using now and then just make a few changes and go back to the MAIN page and save another profile using F11. F12 is load a profile, you can load a profile anytime from the MAIN page, just be sure when you switch back and forth you check your Memory Mutli before you save/apply as sometimes it get set to auto when switching back and forth.

    If you do want or plan to stay at 800Mhz you can likely (For sure I think) use 444-12 timings instead of 555-15

    Here would be optimal ranges for all those advanced timings >>>

    ACT to ACT Delay - 3 [Auto] << 3-4
    Bank Write to Read Delay - 3 [Auto] << 3-6
    Write to Precharge Delay - 6 [Auto] << 4-8

    Refresh to ACT Delay - 52 [52] << for 8GB you may need more 52-62 for 4GB, 8GB may need 58 or more

    Read to Precharge Delay - 3 [Auto] << 3-5
    Static tRead Value - 9 [8] << 6-9
    Static tRead Phase Adjust - 0 [Auto] << Always Auto
    Command Rate (CMD) - 2 [2T] << 1T may work, I would try and then check with Memset that it is actually being used if it boots

    MCH Voltage +0.2 may be fine, if you are passing Memtest for long periods and Prime95 then you are fine. If you get errors you may want to set it to .25-.35


    • #3
      Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

      Wow, everything answered in one go, Cheers!

      I'll play with things tonight and start the stability testing.

      I'll post back when I'm done,



      • #4
        Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

        Ya, I try!

        Good luck, and post back anytime


        • #5
          Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

          Hey there,

          I have made good progress so far, and have plenty of headroom left by the looks of it.

          Virtualisation is now off, as I'll never use that,

          I didn't think I was going to get the 2.00B memory Multi working (would not POST or let me into BIOS after trying to change it), even with looser timings, however clocking back down to 375Mhz got it swapped over and it's back at 400Mhz and rock solid on 2.00B now.

          I've been using that Intel Burn Test too, very nice, uses 98% of RAM while testing on Max!

          These RAM kits are only rated for 1.8v - 1.9v even at 1066Mhz CAS 5, hence why I set the voltage at +0.10 for 1.9v. I thought that was too low, but it's what they claim and it's working sweet so far. Is it worth going higher if I push more or should that be fine?

          I have LLC off now, you were right about the vdrop/vdroop problem, 1.26XXv to 1.28XXv stayed on 1.216v under load in windows, but going to 1.3000v moved it up to 1.246v under load, and is more than enough for this OC so far.

          RGB I have left on Auto so far as there is no performance issue, I'll play with that down the track.

          Performance enhance is off, I definitely want to set things myself.

          BIOS profiles are great, I've been using them as long as I've had access to them (I started OCing back in the days of jumper settings and DOS ).

          I'm using the following timings now:

          4-4-4-12 primary timings,

          ACT to ACT Delay - 3
          Bank Write to Read Delay - 3
          Write to Precharge Delay - 6

          Refresh to ACT Delay - 58

          Read to Precharge Delay - 3
          Static tRead Value - 8 It will not post with 7, even back on CAS 5 etc, am I missing something or is it unlikely with these settings? Am I mising much being on 8 instead of 7 anyway? If I am I'll have another go at it.
          Static tRead Phase Adjust - 0 [Auto]
          Command Rate (CMD) - 2 [2T] I have not tried 1T.

          MCH Voltage is on +.25 and rock solid so far. I see you mention up to +.35 a bit, is that the sort of voltage that could be run 24/7? It seems high to me but you would have a better idea on that.

          These settings are good for 10hrs+ on Prime95 and Memtest86+, and 20 passes of that Intel Burn Test, it's super responsive in windows now too! Is there more to be milked out of this with timings or is that looking good now? It sure feels better!

          Last edited by Deano_20802; 01-07-2009, 11:56 PM.


          • #6
            Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

            You can leave that off for sure if you do not plan to use virtual machines.

            Hmm, I would say you would likely be fine even up to 2.0V but how you feel about warranties makes that all up to you. They can't tell even if you should kill the sticks how much voltage you put into them unless you FRY them and leave burn marks which would likely take 2.4-2.6. They may however not scale very well much past 2.0-2.1V anyway so 2.0V may be all you really would get out of them of any benefit

            Ya, I remember the good old Jumper days and using Basic and Pascal even!

            tRD (Static tRead) with 8GB you may not get 7 to work at all with any timings or voltage adjustment, and it also depends on the actual ram quality under the hood. Try tRD7 with one stick and see if it works, if it does then you know they will do it, just likely not with 8GB is all

            1T will likely not work either with 8GB but it cant hurt to try

            .35 MCH would be a little warm on the NB and you would likely want to put a fan on it, or at the least redo the thermal paste under there

            That sounds good and stable, dont look like much less you could tighten down. Maybe some voltages abit, but that is up to you to try less vcore maybe. Overall though looks very good for 8GB. How's the temps at load


            • #7
              Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

              I'll try 2.0V for the RAM and have a look into tRD 7, likewise 1T but I doubted that one.

              I thought .35 MCH would be warm, not a problem though as It's all good on .25 at the moment, and it looks like I'll settle here. I'd like to take the CPU sky high, but looser RAM would defeat the benefit of any extra CPU speed for now I feel.

              Temps are low, 55c MAX with Prime95 and 61c MAX with Intel burn test. That's if Coretemp, HWmonitor and Everest have it right, if Realtemp has it take 5c off for each. If I drop Vcore even one point I get a big drop under load in windows (1.246 now down to 1.216) so it's staying there, but that's fine for 24/7 I would think, it'll never see 55c outside of testing anyway!

              Looks like that's it for now (bar testing mentioned above), I'm certainly happy with the results, as the whole system is very fast and capable, it should last me long enough to get the mortgage down a bit ready for the next build!

              Cheers for your help, it's certainly appreciated. I'll hit you up for more info down the track when I really wind the boost up! Have a good one mate,

              Cheers .
              Last edited by Deano_20802; 01-08-2009, 06:37 AM.


              • #8
                Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

                Na, Faster FSB would for sure be better then tighter ram speeds

                Those temps are good, especially for Intel Burn test, so even if you had to or wanted to you have plenty of Vcore room

                Good luck on your testing, nice to see you are stable for now!

                Post back anytime if you have issues or any questions and we will try to help


                • #9
                  Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

                  Yeah I though those temps were great, I love the TRUE!

                  This has to last me, and as it has yet to come even remotely close to being a bottleneck, I'll stick with this setup for now, but I will be back for more info later when I am ready to wind it up.

                  Cheers again, from another happy Overclocker,
                  Last edited by Deano_20802; 01-10-2009, 07:03 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

                    Ya, True is a NICE Cooler, especially the Copper one. Sad Price for it though

                    Post back anytime, glad to see you are all setup smoothly!


                    • #11
                      Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings


                      here is my spec:

                      ram:corsair dominator 8500 2x1gb
                      gpu: 250gts 1gb
                      psu: tagan piperock 600w

                      My question is about GTLR1 and GTLR2

                      i managed to oc the quad max 3.6ghz, but its not so stable i ended up at 3.56ghz (fsb 445)

                      what's the right GTLR to chose,

                      GTLR1 ( +6%, auto, -3, -6, -9)
                      GTLR2 (normal, -3%, -6)

                      i've read a bit about those settings, but still im kinda lost.

                      I'm also wondering about clock skew control ( should i change it? => PS)

                      cpu clock skew
                      mhc clock skew

                      btw im at 3.45ghz atm with these settings

                      BIOS SETTINGS:

                      CPU C1E - Disabled
                      CPU TM2 - Enabled
                      CPU EIST - Disabled
                      Virtualisation -Disabled

                      RGB - fast
                      CPU Clock Ratio - [8x]
                      CPU Frequency - 3.45Ghz
                      CPU Host Clock Control - [Enabled]
                      CPU Host Frequency - [432]
                      PCE Express Frequency - [100]
                      C.I.A.2. - [Disabled]
                      Performance Enhance - [Standard]
                      System Memory Multiplier (SPD) - [2.40A] - i think; it makes 540mhz on ram
                      Memory Frequency (SPD) - [Manual]

                      CAS Latency Time - 5
                      DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay - 5
                      DRAM RAS# precharge - 5
                      Precharge Delay (tRAS) - 15

                      ACT to ACT Delay - 4
                      Bank Write to Read Delay - 4
                      Write to Precharge Delay - 6
                      Refresh to ACT Delay - 58
                      Read to Precharge Delay - 4
                      Static tRead Value - 7
                      Static tRead Phase Adjust - 0 [Auto]
                      Command Rate (CMD) - 2 [2T]

                      CPU/PCIEX Clock Driving Control - [800mV]
                      CPU Clock Skew Control - [Normal]
                      (G)MCH Clock Skew Control - 100ps => saw it here at this forum it could help...

                      System Voltage Control - [Manual]
                      DDR2 OverVoltage Control - [+0.30V]
                      PCI-E Overvoltage Control - [+0.10V]
                      FSB OverVoltage Control - [+0.15V]
                      GTLR1 - auto =>> should i leave it to auto, because if it sets the GTLR automatically is it using the right amount or not to much lol?
                      GTLR2- normal
                      (G)MCH OverVoltage Control - [+0.200]
                      Loadline Calibration - [Disabled]
                      CPU Voltage Calibration - [1.31250V]
                      Normal CPU Vcore - 1.2500V

                      for 3.56ghz

                      i used these settings but i dunno it wasn't 100% stable in the end...

                      BIOS SETTINGS:

                      CPU Clock Ratio - [8x]
                      CPU Frequency - 3.56Ghz
                      CPU Host Clock Control - [Enabled]
                      CPU Host Frequency - [445]
                      PCE Express Frequency - [100]
                      C.I.A.2. - [Disabled]
                      Performance Enhance - [Standard]
                      System Memory Multiplier (SPD) - [2.50b]
                      Memory Frequency (SPD) - [Manual]

                      CAS Latency Time - 5 [5]
                      DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay - 5 [5]
                      DRAM RAS# precharge - 5 [5]
                      Precharge Delay (tRAS) - 15 [15]

                      ACT to ACT Delay - 4
                      Bank Write to Read Delay - 4
                      Write to Precharge Delay - 6
                      Refresh to ACT Delay - 58 or 68 both ok
                      Read to Precharge Delay -4
                      Static tRead Value - 7 ( if i set to 8 dunno but i think i saw a more smooth game play could it be?)
                      Static tRead Phase Adjust - 0 [Auto]
                      Command Rate (CMD) - 2 [2T]

                      CPU/PCIEX Clock Driving Control - [800mV]
                      CPU Clock Skew Control - [Normal]
                      (G)MCH Clock Skew Control - [Normal]

                      System Voltage Control - [Manual]
                      DDR2 OverVoltage Control - [+0.30V]
                      PCI-E Overvoltage Control - [+0.10V]
                      FSB OverVoltage Control - [+0.20V]
                      (G)MCH OverVoltage Control - [+0.250]
                      Loadline Calibration - [disabled]
                      CPU Voltage Calibration - [1.35 or 1.36250V] not sure but i know it needed more than 1.34v

                      i tweaked GTLR here

                      GTLR1 - -3%
                      GTLR2 - -3%

                      it was stable but not 100% in the end...

                      and one more thing i noticed some little fluctuations in vcore and mem when idle for mem i saw 533.1mhz and it went to 533.0 back and forth, with cpu form example 3.560ghz to 3.5601 or 3.5603 even 3.5599ghz
                      could this be a problem or is it just a minor deviation not worth mentioning?...

                      and again the most important thing atm is, well i would want to know more, GTLR and clock skew settings.



                      • #12
                        Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

                        Hey Lsdmeasap, you still about mate? I know your busy and I don't mind waiting at all, but hopefully you can shed some light on this for me in the next few weeks.

                        I recently had some issues with the MOBO and ended up sorting it, but I've now redone the paste on the NB and gone to the latest BIOS, I now have to redo my OC again.

                        I sought about some light reading first and articles like this got my attention: Intro (I believe it was one of your posts I got the link from) anyway I'm now wondering would it be better overall to run 400MHZ FSB with a hopefully lower tRD or 440MHZ FSB (I can't get the rig stable past 445MHZ with 8GB but it's a 24/7 rig so that's fine) and one notch up on tRD?

                        With either of those would RAM not at 1:1 help allow for tighter timings, I allways thought Core2 architecture was best with 1:1 RAM ratio but things like this: Page 9 and Page 8 (there are many pages of it) have me more confused. This section in particular as I have no 5:4 ratio (I have 2.40B or 2.66D but nothing at 5:4):

                        It points to me that 400MHZ FSB, 5:4 RAM ratio (which I don't think the X48 DS5 has, as above I have 2.40B or 2.66D but nothing at 5:4) with crazy low tRD is better? That is just for memory bandwidth though I gather as the higher FSB is canceled out by the higher tRD lowering Memory bandwidth, the CPU gains from 400 to 440 might come into the equation though.

                        If not 450MHZ (well 445) with 1:1 ratio (2.00B/D) giving 900MHZ RAM (or 2.66D giving 1066, if it's allowed) and a slightly higher tRD might be a good choice (considering the 8GB will limit my tRD right?), and would give the CPU boost I'd like

                        It's allot to chew over, particularly as many configurations are not an option with the different ratios/straps available on different boards.

                        Cheers in advance as this will not be a one liner reply.
                        Last edited by Deano_20802; 06-21-2009, 11:02 PM.


                        • #13
                          Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

                          5:4 is 2.50A on the 266 strap

                          Sorry for the short reply as I am on my way out the door, but as for what you should use only you can decide really. I would test all of the options you mention in benchmarks and see which performs the best for your setup


                          • #14
                            Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

                            2.50A, I thought only B/D straps should be used for a 333MHZ - 450MHZ FSB so I didn't even look at A or C straps. Would it be ok to try that then or only stick with B or D?

                            If I can, should the strap be set BEFORE the FSB increases or can I try different straps from 445mhz without fear of over straining the NB?

                            I planned to just test a heap of settings anyway, I'll make a start shortly and let you know what I find when it's done... Or if I hit any walls.



                            • #15
                              Re: GA-X48-DS5 with 8GB &amp; Q9450 OC settings

                              Hey there,

                              FYI it was this thread of yours that got me started:

                              Anyway, I'm making good progress, I'm on 400MHZ (well 398) with RAM at 2.50A giving 1000MHZ and tRD of 7! That's right, last time with B and D straps I couldn't get below 8 even on much lower FSB so that's great. I'm also on a much lower NB voltage of +0.175V and only FSB +0.05V!

                              So far so good, I'll start benching from here, wind things up as far as I can, try different settings etc and let you know the final outcome.

                              Last edited by Deano_20802; 06-28-2009, 10:27 PM.

