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Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

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  • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

    I upped the voltages for MCH one notch and now Blend has been stable for 3,30hrs. Gonna see if I can set mems to 4-4-4-12 again and still be stable. Cross my fingers :)


    • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

      There ya go! I thought maybe it needed a bit more. Memory tweaking can be a tedious task, and not cut out for the impatient. Just don't give up or get frustrated and overvolt things way too much trying to make them work as that is not the way to get things done.

      And I didnt meant your voltage bump you just mentioned.
      I just said that because I have seen users say "Well I even upped the Ram voltages to 2.4 or 2.5 and no luck" That type of thing is not the way to go about things


      • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

        Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
        And I didnt meant your voltage bump you just mentioned.
        I just said that because I have seen users say "Well I even upped the Ram voltages to 2.4 or 2.5 and no luck" That type of thing is not the way to go about things
        Ok. Now I am a bit confused? I should not have upped the MCH volt? I upped it from +0.100 to +0.125


        • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

          NO, NO, NO. You are FINE in doing that

          That is why I added the comment saying "I Didn't Mean your voltage bump you just mentioned"

          That is fine, I mean some users get volt crazy thinking it is going to help, or it is the proper way to go about things.

          You are fine in what you are doing man!


          • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

            Oh and another thing., I got this cooler for free from a friend. I know its not the best but its better than my stock cooler BUT will it be possible to mount it on my board? It seems It need to be mounted with some backplate on the backside of the mobo...


            • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

              Yeah you can use that. So He didn't give you the backplate eh. Well I do not know where you live to give ya a link to buy one, but you need a ThermalRight Bolt Thru Kit >>>
              LGA775 Bolt-Thru-Kit with Screws & Springs

              I use one with my Water Setup, they are very nice and not expensive


              • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

                I have the backplate but I read on some review that this particular cooler might not work with newer mobos such as mobos for the new Core Duos.

                Anyway, I am still getting random lockups. Fired up the comp this morning to do some browsing, didnt even have orthos on and again I got system lockup.... Orthos Blend ran fine for 5 hrs last night no errors. :|

                Should I try manual subtimings instead of AUTO now?

                Or could be it be a strapping issue? I did he Ctrl-F1 but still no SPD without letter. Maybe a higher strapping will work if I set 2.40C and run the mems @ 960MHz
                Last edited by LaZ; 07-03-2008, 05:32 AM.


                • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

                  Ahh, well I have not read that, but I havent been looking either. Looks like it would work ok to me, why do they say it may not?

                  Na, sounds like you may still need a bit more Vcore, then try the subtimings. I does take some time and is not something you can get right in a day or two that is for sure. That is why there is BIOS profiles F11 (Save) and F12 (Load) you can keep one at a low stock or stable settings, and one the overclock profile you are working on and load that only when you have time to tweak things and use the other when you need to use your PC and have it stable for sure


                  • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

                    Okey so even though Orthos Small FFTs pass the test for 9-10 errors it could still be the CPU that is making the system hangup? I dont mean that Orthos Blend make an error. I mean the whole computer freezes and I have to force it shutdown with either holding in power on or switching off the PSU.

                    It didnt say why the cooler might ow work but I found some info on another page and it looks like the fastening device topside of the mobo might not fit due to some oversized capacitors close to the holes where the screw goes down.


                    • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

                      Yeah even though it may be stable at that voltage once it is ran in conjunction with the ram it may still not be enough and need a small bump.

                      And I will say again, that ram may not be compatible with GA boards. And have you tested it on a seperate System to be sure it is ok?

                      Ahh, well in that case you would just have to remove the one you are using now and place the new cooler on there and see if it does hit anything or not


                      • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

                        I have the actual cooler in my hand now and the mounting device for seems to be an updated version comparing to the ones in the review and it will surely fit :) Also I have my MCH fan now. Gonna install it all when I get home from work.

                        Concerning the RAMs, yeah I think they are good, I did use those mems in my computer for 2 months prior to the overcloking at 4-4-4-12 2.1v without a single lockup or instability. I will up the Vcore a notch later today and try again.
                        I did the blend test and large FFTs in Orthos when I was at stock settings in bios and no errors.


                        • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

                          Nice! Sounds like you are in business then

                          Ya, then it sounds like your ram should be ok, unless you have majorly overvolted it since you last used it fine. May want to test in a different system to be sure if you can though.


                          • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

                            Yeah I know it would be good to test them in another system but unfortunately I dont have that option, I only have one computer.

                            I have never gone past +0.300 on the RAMS so they should be ok. Gonna install the other cooler now If I can, the damn thing needs a wrench to tighten the screws with and I dont have one :|


                            • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

                              Finally I have all in place, hardware wise that is. New cpu cooler and a modded northbridge. I actually managed to remove the metallic sticker-thingy from the MCH and mount a 60mm fan 2000rpm ontop if it blowing air down. MCH is now cool :) The cpu cooler however is not that great. I am at around the same temps now as I was with the 65nm stock cooler BUT with one advantage - the computer is almost silent now :)

                              Do I need to recalibrate realtemp again now with a another cpu cooler?

                              I had some probs with that I remember. Could not get the comp to boot/post at 266x6, had to move to 333x6 to get it to post so I am guessing my realtemp program is not optimized :|


                              • Re: Very strange behaviour after changing PC case and PSU

                                So, after removing that metal cover, you did redo the paste right? If not, you better as I am sure you moved it while doing so.

                                I would recalibrate it if I was you. Well silence it nice, can you adjust the fan or is it ok the way it is?

                                Na, it is just because 8400 is a 1333 FSB cpu, so you want 6x333 and lowest volts you can boot in with is all

