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GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

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  • GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

    Computer was running fine, was shut down properly and not used for about 36 hours. When I turned it on again the system wouldnt not POST and would only produce 3 beeps and then restarts. In the manual beep codes are listed, but there is no three beep beep code. The only thing that looks to me like it might work is a power supply issue which is continuous short beeps.

    I thought it might be a power supply problem, so I tested the board with another powersupply and tested my powersupply with a power supply tester. My powerstupply is fine and the board displayed the same problems with the other power supply. I also tested the board with diffrent memory and useing each stick I had in it initially individually and continued to have the same problem.

    Anybody have any ideas what might be wrong?

  • #2
    Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

    i forget which bios we have. I didn't want to reboot :) check out the beep codes.

    Computer Post / Beep codes


    • #3
      Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

      Could also be Graphics card error, if you can try another graphics card. Also if you want/can post the error codes recorded and I will have a listen


      • #4
        Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

        Thanks for the replies.

        I looked at the link for the beep codes but unfortunantly there wasnt really anything much listed for Award BIOS, which I think we have in this board.

        I'm going to see if I can borrow a friends GUP to test out and I'll try to see if I can manage to get a recording, but like it said its just <press power button> beep beep beep <restart>. I'm fairly certian they are three short beeps.


        • #5
          Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

          Well towards the end of your manual you will find the error codes, and there isnt 3 short beeps error, so that is why I would like to hear it myself.

          And yes it is Award BIOS

          The only one with 3 beeps are Monitor or Graphics card error, Here is your error codes incase you do not have the manual >>>>

          1 short: System boots successfully
          2 short: CMOS setting error
          1 long, 1 short: Memory or motherboard error

          1 long, 2 short: Monitor or graphics card error <<< Only one that may sound like 3 beeps I would think

          1 long, 3 short: Keyboard error
          1 long, 9 short: BIOS ROM error
          Continuous long beeps: Graphics card not inserted properly
          Continuous short beeps: Power error


          • #6
            Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

            I can say without a doubt that the beeps are all of the same exact length.

            And I just remembered I have an mp3 player sitting around that can record sound, I'll go see if I can record it right now.


            • #7
              Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

              1 Beep followed by 3 Beeps then continuous beeping - unplug power cable - disconnect battery from motherboard to clear CMOS - Connect battery after about 10-20 seconds - restart computer.


              • #8
                Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post


                I have the EXACT same symptoms and board. Did you ever resolve this issue please and if so, how.

                Really appreciate any guidance. I have tried diff memory sticks, power supply and graphics. I sent off the board back to supplier assuming it was faulty but they said it posted just fine.....

                It wouldn't even post outside of the case for me when I got it back, eliminating the possibility of a case short...

                Everything worked fine for the 1st 12mths of it's life, then I shut it down one night and had the post problem thereafter!

                Can a faulty monitor cause a failure to post as I am on my 3rd replacement monitor (which are usually refurbs anyway as the original was over 12mths old....)

                Last edited by Rex_Ham; 09-10-2008, 10:05 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

                  I do not think a monitor would cause that, unless it is dead. So what beeps are you getting?

                  And what ram have you tried? Did you try with only one stick of ram in slot one? Have you tried to Clear the CMOS? Can you get in the BIOS at all?

                  If you have not tried to clear the CMOS please see the Pinned guide for BIOS flashing I posted, it has a Clear CMOS procedure in it


                  • #10
                    Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

                    Thanks for the reply Lsdmeasap

                    I've cleared the cmos, I've got 2 sticks of 667 Ballistix that I've tried individually in slot1 and I've tried some other good sticks of ram from a working PC....

                    The beeps are exactly as the OP's.....3 beeps when pushing the power button on, followed by constant beeps of appx half a second in duration.

                    As I said it hasn't missed a beat for 12 months, but it all started with the colours started getting like a purple-ish tinge on them and a restart wouldn't clear it.

                    But a cold boot revealed the lack of a post!

                    I have tried a different GPU with the same result unfortunately!


                    • #11
                      Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

                      Hmm, I would say from your comment there it may be your GFX card, but if you tried a different one then I guess not.

                      Sounds like you should RMA the board maybe. Crucial does not work very well with P35. What was the other ram you tried?


                      • #12
                        Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

                        Originally posted by Lsdmeasap View Post
                        Hmm, I would say from your comment there it may be your GFX card, but if you tried a different one then I guess not.

                        Sounds like you should RMA the board maybe. Crucial does not work very well with P35. What was the other ram you tried?
                        Firstly, apologies for the 'not so instant' reply Lsdmeasap...I'm having to jump on the wife's lappy when she's not using it!

                        Secondly, thanks for taking the time to advise - I know it's very hard for you to dianose all different scenarios and must be frustrating.

                        Can I expand a bit on my initial post.

                        The problem started about 3-4 weeks ago and as I'd tried swapping things out to no avail, got an RMA and returned it. They sent it back and said it had posted fine for them!!

                        Started whole process over again, re-seated cpu swapped ram (don't know make btw....just generic I think...) re-tried different pci-e gpu (all done out of the case) anyway, luckily and suddenly, it posted!! Don't what happened but it did.

                        I put it back in the case and added each component one at a time with success untill everything was back in place.

                        It ran fine for about 10 days.....then the exact same thing happened.

                        Now back to square 1!!

                        Could it be an intermittent fault on the board and this is why it posted ok for the RMA....or intermittent fault on my hardware somewhere??

                        This is my dilemma.....don't know what to try next really!

                        thanks for any more advise you can give.....


                        • #13
                          Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

                          Ya, I try my best. But sometimes without being there in person it just does not get figured out

                          It could be your Power supply or Hard drive failing. Do you have a different Power supply to test with? If not can you borrow one? EDIT* see you already did this

                          As for the Hard drive, I have seen a dead or dying drive cause issues similar many times. And yes dead or dying can also show as in good health in some apps as well? So Who knows with that!

                          So, did you ever try a different Graphics card?

                          Or a Newer/older BIOS

                          As for your Generic ram, that may also be incompatible like the Crucial and could also cause or add to these issues.

                          Anyway you can get your hands on, or buy, some Mushkin or G.Skills 800Mhz to be sure?

                          Have you tested with the minimal (CPU/Heatsinks/one stick of ram inslot one/Graphics card) and then added parts one at a time? This way you should find the problem, unless it is one of the above mentioned


                          • #14
                            Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

                            Just about to start my evenings fun time of troubleshooting this problem again!!

                            I've still got the mobo in the case but disconnected the HDD's....same beeps!

                            Graphics will come out next. The generic ram I had to try is now not available to me - but last time it made no difference - still got the beep,beep,beep etc...

                            Just so you can hear what I'm hearing - I've upped an mp3 recording of the beeps...(are these classed as short or long beeps would you say...?)

                            The 3 beeps-<pause>-continuous beeps are not listed as standard award bios error codes....but this thread (and others I've read) indicate they should be I think...


                            • #15
                              Re: GA-P35C-DS3R, three beeps, no post

                              Hmm I am not sure. Sounds like 3 short, then continuous short to me? Is that what you think?

                              Have you tried your GFX card in the second PCI-E Slot, Incase it is just continuous beeps. Have you tested this card on a different PC to be sure it is not DOA?

                              Maybe you should take it out of the case, check all power connections and see if that helps.

                              Do you have a older PSU to test with, as continuous which it could also be is power error

                              I cannot say for sure, but they do sound like the short beeps. I will see about causing some errors on my board tonight, and compare the sounds and get back to you later on

