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Dead Vision 3D

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  • Dead Vision 3D

    Hi there,

    My Vision 3D (137B) appears to have died. Powering it on does nothing - no light on the power button, no fan etc.

    I've tried replacing the battery on the motherboard.

    I've tested the output on the power adapter (still 19.3 ish volts).

    When I press the power button the volts across the power switch drop from 3v to 0v. As you'd expect I guess.

    Is there anything else I can do to diagnose the problem?

    Really gutted at it's a properly nice computer.

  • #2
    Re: Dead Vision 3D

    When you connect the power adapter to the 137B, and have an Ethernet cable connected to the network jack on the back of the PC, can you see the two small LEDs directly next to the network jack light up?

    If power is reaching the mother board in the PC, and the board is working correctly, you should see the LEDs that indicate the speed of the network connection, and any network activity lighting up, and possibly flashing on and off. That would at least verify that power was reaching the board and it was at least partially functional.

    If not, the board may have died, unless another component like HDD or optical drive failed and is stopping the board from starting due to a short circuit, for example. If possible, you could disconnect the power cable from the HDD and optical drive and see if the PC will try to start.

    It sounds like the power button and its wires are working correctly, if you see the voltage that you described.

    The possible problem measuring the voltage of the power adapter is it may show a voltage with no load on it except the volt meter, but if it was bad, putting a load on it like the PC would cause it to fail. Any LEDs on the power adapter?

