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ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

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  • #16
    Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

    Originally posted by Zuhl3156 View Post
    I have no idea if iastorF was always present in Registry and made active by the IRST software installation or if IRST installed it in my Registry.
    iastorF is added when installed on pre W8 systems using RST 11.5 and upwards or if on X79, 3.x. You can check if it's still there by running an admin cmd prompt and typing "sc query iastorf". Maybe iastorA is there as well which you can check via "sc query iastora".

    My own way to remove it is...
    • Create a restore point.
    • Remove iastorF from the disk registry entry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\Class\{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" under expandable string value "lowerfilters". If iastorF is the only entry then you can delete "lowerfilters", if there are other filters then edit it to remove iastorF only.
    • Remove iastorF from the CDROM registry entry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" under expandable string value "lowerfilters". If iastorF is the only entry then you can delete "lowerfilters", if there are other filters then edit it to remove iastorF only.
    • Run an admin cmd prompt and type "sc delete iastorf"
    • If iastorA is still there, run an admin cmd prompt and type "sc delete iastorA"
    • Reboot

    If something went wrong recover using the restore point and try again remembering to create the restore point again.

    There may be an easier way on the net however that's what I normally do but of course not on a regular basis, only once in a while if I have tried some of the later drivers and want to return to 11.2.


    • #17
      Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

      Originally posted by parsec View Post
      I've seen this claim in the past
      Whoa!, please do not confuse "file level trim", explained >here< with normal trim such as "trim on delete".
      Maybe you're thinking of the earlier days when many people were claiming trim would not work on W7, only W8, when the drives were seen as SCSI devices which happened with 11.5 and above RST drivers. Some of those people are quite well known and one would think they should know what they are talking about. Strangely, while they tore down people who said otherwise, I never saw any of them owning up to being wrong.

      Now the 12.5 driver is a different issue and it has been known for some time trim seems broken with this driver even though it will acknowledge a trim command with success.

      IMHO for RAID0 to really shine on SSD's it would be best if MS got their prefetch working a lot better. Secondly, if things are being loaded normally at the sub 1 second level then it can be hard to see improvements visually plus once it is loaded into memory there is usually a good chance a lot of it does not need to be loaded, at least fully, a second or third time around... unless your hitting on memory space quite hard. There's nearly always going to be that number one bottle neck anyway, us.


      • #18
        Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

        iastorF is added when installed on pre W8 systems using RST 11.5 and upwards or if on X79, 3.x. You can check if it's still there by running an admin cmd prompt and typing "sc query iastorf". Maybe iastorA is there as well which you can check via "sc query iastora".

        My own way to remove it is...
        • Create a restore point.
        • Remove iastorF from the disk registry entry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\Class\{4D36E967-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" under expandable string value "lowerfilters". If iastorF is the only entry then you can delete "lowerfilters", if there are other filters then edit it to remove iastorF only.
        • Remove iastorF from the CDROM registry entry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contr ol\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" under expandable string value "lowerfilters". If iastorF is the only entry then you can delete "lowerfilters", if there are other filters then edit it to remove iastorF only.
        • Run an admin cmd prompt and type "sc delete iastorf"
        • If iastorA is still there, run an admin cmd prompt and type "sc delete iastorA"
        • Reboot

        If something went wrong recover using the restore point and try again remembering to create the restore point again.

        There may be an easier way on the net however that's what I normally do but of course not on a regular basis, only once in a while if I have tried some of the later drivers and want to return to 11.2.
        Is it necessary to remove these filters? Do they cause any drop in performance? If they are just sitting there idle because the newer drivers have been removed then I see no reason to remove them if they are not interfering with the normal operation of IRST 11.2 driver.


        • #19
          Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

          I'm pretty sure there are many people oblivious to it still running after down grading to 11.2 and do not see any problems so if you would rather not mess with it I don't think it will matter that much. You may see a very slight improvement in your benchmark without it but nothing mind blowing ;)


          • #20
            Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

            Whoa!, please do not confuse "file level trim", explained >here< with normal trim such as "trim on delete".
            Maybe you're thinking of the earlier days when many people were claiming trim would not work on W7, only W8, when the drives were seen as SCSI devices which happened with 11.5 and above RST drivers. Some of those people are quite well known and one would think they should know what they are talking about. Strangely, while they tore down people who said otherwise, I never saw any of them owning up to being wrong.
            I'll need to check out that link, I'm busy with another PC right now, but that is very interesting to me, thanks.

            I know what you mean about all the claims as you mentioned, that went on and on with nothing to back it up. I agree with you about some of the participants and the reality of the situation.

            Now the 12.5 driver is a different issue and it has been known for some time trim seems broken with this driver even though it will acknowledge a trim command with success.
            Is that with RAID 0 only, or is TRIM not working with single, non-RAID SSDs? IMO, it seems TRIM is fine with single SSDs with IRST 12.5.

            IMHO for RAID0 to really shine on SSD's it would be best if MS got their prefetch working a lot better. Secondly, if things are being loaded normally at the sub 1 second level then it can be hard to see improvements visually plus once it is loaded into memory there is usually a good chance a lot of it does not need to be loaded, at least fully, a second or third time around... unless your hitting on memory space quite hard. There's nearly always going to be that number one bottle neck anyway, us.
            The number one bottleneck being the current prefetch?


            • #21
              Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

              I'm pretty sure there are many people oblivious to it still running after down grading to 11.2 and do not see any problems so if you would rather not mess with it I don't think it will matter that much. You may see a very slight improvement in your benchmark without it but nothing mind blowing ;)
              Well, I'll leave things alone then. If it ain't broke... it will be when I'm done with it! lol


              • #22
                Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

                Originally posted by parsec View Post
                Is that with RAID 0 only
                Yes. RAID0 and RST OS driver 12.5

                Originally posted by parsec View Post
                The number one bottleneck being the current prefetch?
                No. I meant people are the number one bottleneck. :)


                • #23
                  Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

                  Yes. RAID0 and RST OS driver 12.5
                  That's what I thought, scared me for a second...

                  No. I meant people are the number one bottleneck. :)
                  Yes, what else is new!


                  • #24
                    Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

                    I'm pretty sure there are many people oblivious to it still running after down grading to 11.2 and do not see any problems so if you would rather not mess with it I don't think it will matter that much. You may see a very slight improvement in your benchmark without it but nothing mind blowing ;)
                    If I changed the Startup value in my Registry from "0" to "3" for iastorF (and possibly iastorV) would this disable these filters or 'brick' my OS array? I am basing this idea from the method used to change from IDE to AHCI in the Registry.


                    • #25
                      Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

                      Originally posted by Zuhl3156 View Post
                      If I changed the Startup value in my Registry from "0" to "3" for iastorF (and possibly iastorV) would this disable these filters or 'brick' my OS array? I am basing this idea from the method used to change from IDE to AHCI in the Registry.
                      I see what you're thinking about by doing that, but will that actually do what you want it to do, as you know, or make things worse.

                      I'm surprised those filters would be used with 11.2, since that driver does not "know" they exist, and when 11.2 is installed, a new iastor process is started, so I would think you are starting over again.

                      I imagine the instructions ucode gave you now would fix things, so why do anything else?


                      • #26
                        Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

                        I am not exactly at the same level of technical expertise as ucode and is why I am a bit hesitant to totally delete Registry entries and use CMD functions to remove driver fragments. I may get bored later today, throw caution to the wind, and just do it ucode's way just to see what happens. I will create a System Image before I start just in case.


                        • #27
                          Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

                          Originally posted by Zuhl3156 View Post
                          I am not exactly at the same level of technical expertise as ucode and is why I am a bit hesitant to totally delete Registry entries and use CMD functions to remove driver fragments. I may get bored later today, throw caution to the wind, and just do it ucode's way just to see what happens. I will create a System Image before I start just in case.
                          Yes, welcome to the club...

                          A registry backup is easy to do and the file is small. A system image is always good to have...

                          Restore points are also useful, if you can't boot that can be used to fix it.


                          • #28
                            Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

                            Originally posted by parsec View Post
                            Is that with RAID 0 only, or is TRIM not working with single, non-RAID SSDs? IMO, it seems TRIM is fine with single SSDs with IRST 12.5.
                            I don't know about 12.5 (I've got 12.6 installed as that was the version available at the time -- it's not given me problems so I haven't switched to another version) but my SSD supports TRIM just fine according to that trim test program. One SSD non-raid, 4 harddrives with RAID 1+0 and RAID 0 partitions.


                            • #29
                              Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

                              Creating a System Image has become part of my daily routine. Paranoid or cautious? IDK, your call. The last time I had too much confidence in my drives I lost all of my gaming progress when my array failed. FPS games are only fun the first few dozen times you play through the single player campaign. I'm still working up the courage to try ucodes suggestion but at my age I am running low on ambition! lol


                              • #30
                                Re: ASMedia SATA_3 port causes IRST to stop responding - Solved

                                I removed the filters as instructed by ucode and everything still works fine except AS-SSD still gives me the "Unable to access" error even if I run in Administative Mode. No big deal.

