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AsRock x79 Extreme 4 sporadic lockup issue.

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  • AsRock x79 Extreme 4 sporadic lockup issue.

    I am going to start documenting my progress on trouble shooting this issue here. Maybe some will have insights for me or some may benefit from it.


    AsRock x79 Extreme 4 motherboard
    i7-3820 CPU
    Mushkin enhanced redline 4x4GB (16GB) RAM
    MSI GTX 660TI video card
    Crucial M4 256GB SSD
    Win 7 Ultimate x64


    Since I built this rig it has been sporadically locking up on me. There is no BSOD. There is no sudden reboot. The OS will just dead lock every so often. If I am playing something with sound the sound will suddenly loop witch sounds like a horribly loud hum in your ear. At that point the only recourse is to power cycle / reset the entire rig. For some time i thought maybe this was dude to an error in windows but i became suspicious when not seeing any BSODs. Last night I booted the rig to UEFI and let it sit over night. Sure enough when i checked on it in the morning, it was locked up.

    I decided I should take the matter up with AsRock.

    2013-01-14 - I talked to "John" at AsRock support and we are off to a very questionable start. After explaining the issue to "john" he simply said "Update the BIOS" then "Test the memory". He asked no questions about any components. He was adamant that I test within windows even after I made it clear the problem presents its self without windows being booted. He seemed more to just want me off the phone than anything. I'm going to go about getting the UEFI updated first. We will see what that does for the issue.

  • #2
    Re: AsRock x79 Extreme 4 sporadic lockup issue.

    Hello and Welcome.

    Freezes <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Reboots</span> like you mention are normally either memory or PSU related.

    And .... you haven't listed in your System Config drop down just what PSU you have.
    Last edited by - wardog -; 01-14-2013, 05:09 PM. Reason: replace reboots w/ freezes
    #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
    ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

    #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


    • #3
      Re: AsRock x79 Extreme 4 sporadic lockup issue.

      Oops. I'll update that. The PSU is a holdover from my previous build.

      Corsair TX950.

      Its a wonderful PSU. It served me well in my previous rig. If its the cause its a sudden change from its use in my previous rig.

      The memory testing is going to be horribly time consuming. Is there a relevant test for the PSU? I mean besides replacement. I don't have a spare one of that caliber.

      PS: I also use a small battery backup to filter power to the PSU.

      PSS: I can't seem to find the spot to edit my system specs. :/
      Last edited by digitalink2008; 01-14-2013, 05:23 PM.


      • #4
        Re: AsRock x79 Extreme 4 sporadic lockup issue.

        Edit your System Specs

        !! By any chance have you tested with Spread Spectrum disabled? If not, give it a try and post back your experience.
        #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
        ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

        #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


        • #5
          Re: AsRock x79 Extreme 4 sporadic lockup issue.

          Originally posted by - wardog - View Post
          Edit your System Specs

          !! By any chance have you tested with Spread Spectrum disabled? If not, give it a try and post back your experience.
          Looks like AsRock decided to omit those options in their UEFI. I'm currently on v1.80 of their UEFI so I'm going to flash the board to current and see if its available.


          • #6
            Re: AsRock x79 Extreme 4 sporadic lockup issue.

            Wouldn't surprise me if they have removed the option.

            HERE in an [H] review of the board dated Jan 12 2012 "Spread Spectrum" was an option.

            From the review link above:
            The second set of shots was at 4.5GHz and was achieved manually by disabling the spread spectrum settings and increasing CPU PLL ........
            #1 - Please, when seeking help, enter the make and model of ALL parts that your system is comprised of in your Signature, or at least the model #'s in your System Specs, then "Save' it.
            ____If you are overclocking, underclocking, or undervolting any parts, informing us of this and their values would prove beneficial in helping you.

            #2 - Consider your PSU to be the foundation from which all else is built upon. Anything built upon a weak foundation is poorly built.


            • #7
              Re: AsRock x79 Extreme 4 sporadic lockup issue.

              I found another thread online where a guy was asking where the spread spectrum settings went. He must have been doing some overclocking. For me, since my setup hasn't been 100% stable I figured doing any overclocking would just be foolish so I'm all stock right now.

              I also just finished the UEFI flash. That was freaky when I realized that if the board locked up during the flash it was game over. All went well though. I'm at the UEFI v2.90. The most current as of this post.


              • #8
                Re: AsRock x79 Extreme 4 sporadic lockup issue.

                Update: After updating from v1.80 UEFI to v2.90 UEFI my rig has been operational after sitting powered up the whole night. That is unusual and also encouraging.


                • #9
                  Re: AsRock x79 Extreme 4 sporadic lockup issue. -SOLVED-


                  Let me be the first to say I am quite jaded when it comes to just about anyone's level 1 support. Now, I don't know the level of expertise of the person I got on the phone by calling ASRock but I did assume it was of the "level 1" variety. I was given the short, cover your bases answer and I admit was quite skeptical. Well, this is where I eat a bit of crow because it has solved the issue. The firmware update has produced a completely stable machine for over a week.

                  Guess there is a reason they throw those out as a first answer :)

