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hae you ever seen this?

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  • hae you ever seen this?

    ok heres a problem ie had with this old omputer for a while
    i get a blue sreen that says it has to shut down cuz


    any suggestions

  • #2 F5...standard PC


    • #3
      did you by any chance just install a sound card in Windows XP, cause if it is a sound blaster live ( the old one) then you will get that if you use creative's driver. I had this myself, use the updated XP driver from them or use the XP driver in the OS.

      Just my two cents


      • #4
        Troubleshooting a Stop 0x0000000A Error in Windows XP (Q314063)


        • #5
          hrrmm... yea......... dunno why but i get that msg somewhat on a weekly basis.
          i've reinstalled twice (second time with a NTFS reformat) but it still comes up. i should have all the updates for windows and i know that all the drivers are correct BUT the damn thing still pops up once in a while (mostly when i play Half Life).

          any ideas?


          • #6
            G'day lads, in that MS article one suggestion is to do a system check on the memory (I resume RAM).
            How does one go about that?

            Reason I ask is I have 2 sticks of 256 installed (both cheapies)

            1 X Hyundi and 1 X Hynix

            Have been unable to burn for a few weeks and keep getting booted with similar BSOD.

            Last night took out the Hynix and was able to burn with no probs.
            However, the system was very slow and games (understandably) performed poorly.

            So back in went the Hynix and it runs like a ripper again:rolleyes2

            So the RAM is being recognised ok, and works ok? Is it because they are diff brands:hammer:

            Cheers :thumb:


            • #7
              system memory check without a 3rd party proggy :?:

              my thought is to ask whoever wrote that article what kind of drugs they're on, I want some


              • #8
                well I finaly fixed my computer i finaly got a new floopy put in it fixed my bios problems got a dual boot 98se and px pro hoping that win98se would play games better. well i got both sides up and running with everything uptodate.

                but when i play mech commander2 on 98se it's real choppy runs like crap

                so i tryed it on xp side runs real smooth...... butttttttt

                while im playing the game after a while the games will freeze. and i'll have to hard reboot the computer.

                ive also had the ASUS probe running and it looks like to me that ive been running between 47-52

                so i guess i have two problem left to get figured out.

                Why is 98se side game play suck and...

                whay does it freeze while playing under xp???

                Any help would be great.


                • #9
                  good job papa

                  3 words for you now, video card drivers ;)


                  • #10
                    two words... or 1 word one number...

                    GEFORCE 4


