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What to buy?

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  • What to buy?

    I was wondering if u guys can help me out here.I want to build my first computer but i dont know what to buy.Motherboard,Ram, power and so on.So if u can can u give me a list to what purchase to build a computer that will be so helpful to me if not sorry for the trouble.I llook at alienware websites but they dont list what prduct it is and other websites that i got to that builds pc or i would of just gotten a list from them :D

    Pentium 4 (2.8 ghz-3.0 GHz 256KB, 533MHz)
    Hard Drive
    and so on......

    not to much or to cheap :D

  • #2

    :bounce: :bounce2: :bounce2: :bounce:

    for the HDD, i would get the western digital 120gb with 8mb cache. its a beauty


    • #3
      Well it depends on what your definition for "Not to much or not to Cheap" is but anyway. If you like Intel and want to go with that I can't help you out too much. But If you like the idea of AMD check out some if not all of the parts in my sig. $1200 if you live in the US. I would probably change the Mobo to one of EPoX's KT400 boards (if you can find them) or the ABIT MAX 2. Also if you can spend more than $1200-$1300 try and upgrade the proc to a 2400+ or 2600+. or if you can wait, and have enough $$$ go for the AMD 2700+/2800+'s along with an NV30 (NVidias new card, coming soon).

      If you click on an item in my sig it will take you to a place where you can purchase it (best prices that I could find barring that the site was credible).

      I like this system and would highly recommend it :thumb:


      • #4
        Aztec_warrior - P4 northwoods have a 512k L2 not 256.

        have a look at the Epox P4 motherboards EP-4BEAV & 4G4A (with the "+" if you want RAID)....they are intel chipsets and have support for DDR333 (or DDR354 depending on how you set it up) the EP-4PEA looks good too - but I don't have any personal experience with it.
        the EP-4SDA5 has nice features as well - but I haven't had good luck with SiS chipsets in the past.


        • #5
          Well the 2.8ghz is not exactly affordable for most people so I'm not sure if that falls under not too cheap not too expensive!
          If going for a P4 then use something with the Intel 845PE chipset on the motherboard as it supports DDR333 and also Hyperthreading CPUs which will be released in the near future.

