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Which Intel P4 should I buy?

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  • Which Intel P4 should I buy?

    Thank-you for reading thru this post - I'm sure most of you will be able to give me a heads up on what's hot for my next purchase.

    I wanna upgrade my Motherboard and CPU. I have 1.512 GB of DDR400 RAM, which I want to continue to use in my system, so please keep this in mind if you recommend a mobo.

    This is not by any means some crazy ov3rhaul on my system... just a simple boost to help pump out more data to the GeForce 6800 GT I purchased over the winter holidays. I feel as though I'm not satisfying her appetite, and she's upset with me.

    I'm using a AMD cpu right now (2400+ XP), and I'd like to switch over to Intel because I'm a computer animator and Intel is best for applications (any specific info regarding the MAYA software would be appreciated).

    The just of what i would like to know is: "what is the best bang for my buck, in regards to an intel p4 3.0Ghz 'or better', and a motherboard to match?"

    Best p4 3.0 Ghz +
    Best mobo to match
    and most importantly, BEST BUCK.

    thanks guys,
    I really do appreciate your input,

  • #2
    Re: Which Intel P4 should I buy?

    I don't know what kind of a price range you are wanting, but I would recommend this Gigabyte board.

    With either a Pentium 4 630 or if you don't care for the 64bit extensions, a 550J or a 540J.

