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RAM for o/cing

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  • RAM for o/cing

    Well then, here's another post with yet another problem :( , sry!. Ok, I was gonna upgrade to the following: P4 2.8GHz "C", MSI Neo2-FIS2R, Antec 1080 Case, OCZ PC3700 Gold series. After reading the forums over, it seems that OCZ is, in fact, crap RAM, and I shouldnt waste my money. Although it supposively runs at 2-3-3-7, other users have had to crank it to the 3-4-4-8 range to get it to run at 233 (with some problems still). Now I'm stuck, I really dont wanna buy the OCZ if it doesnt perform as advertised (although it'd be sweet if it did), so my question is what now? Wiggo recommends Cosair 3700 (cheers and respect to his opinion and expertise :thumb: ) but it runs at 3-4-4-8? Many reviews have showed that lower timings yield better performance than higher speeds, so why do the cosair modules run so high (am I missing something?) ? Basically I wanna get the best 3700 RAM that WILL go to 233FSB in 1:1 sync w/ no problems, and still be fast (like w/ a PCMark 2002 score of 10000) Suggestions? Any help is much appreciated, : peace2: Mista K6

  • #2
    I have OCZ pc3500 ram and have no issues with it whatsoever. I have my p4 2.6c @3.33 at the moment. MY Fsb is at 255 on stock cooling.


    • #3
      I've heard so many negative things about OCZ, I won't go near them. I just saw some review about OCZ ram. The ram chips they say they make themselves had lower speed chips on them, happened to be Samsung (good brand), but the writing was sanded off---but not good enough to get away with the scam.

      If you can't/don't want to pay for Corsair, buy Samsung.


      • #4
        Not suprised somebody would say OCZ is good, maybe you did get a good module out of them, good for you anyways :thumb: . Money isnt so much an issue as is performance: I dont mind forking out cash if its for good stuff, I just want something that will be top of the line, ya know? I did some heavy research on cosair today, seems like they have an awesome rep AND great performance. They market the modules as relaxed timings and a higher FSB are better than low latency/timings and lower FSB. Quite contrary to what some reviews said. But on the ones that went with what Cosair said, they got it running 233 on a canterwood with superb performance. Weird huh. Ah well, I'll keep looking, thx for the replies. If anyone else has info, please share, I'm trying to get as much info on this as possible. Thx again, : peace2: Mista K6

