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Bye Bye AMD.....

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  • Bye Bye AMD.....

    Could it be?

  • #2
    - Damien


    • #3
      "How many AMD engineers does it take to build a Hammer? More than AMD has on staff today!"

      No offence guys, but that's just damn funny!

      :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



      • #4
        :tears: :tears:*sheds a tear* :tears: :tears:


        • #5
          nothing but garbage...


          • #6
            Let's hope so..



            • #7
              LMAO! :laugh:
              I'm sorry, but I was reading the "flame war" posts after the article...Seems to me some people put ENTIRELY too much of themselves into a product. What has happened to us? Does anyone here have an AMD tattoo that they're gonna have to defend for the rest of their lives? As for me, I absolutely love my AMD processor. It works great, is the most powerful I have ever personally used, I can tweak it out to levels I'd only heard of before and just set it back to stock, and I am FAR from using it to it's full potential. That's COOL! I also am fully aware that had I purchased an Intel processor, I would have been just as pleased, and without hesitation other than that which my budget brings, I would purchase one. Same goes for those Mac fans out there....whatever makes ya happy, just don't try and cram all that hooey about "This product rules" down my throat and I promise not to do the same to you. Can't we all just get along?: peace2:


              • #8
                flame war? where? :?: :confused:

                i don't think amd is going to disapear, i just had some fun at that joke i found on the posted link.. Admit it was quite funny though..




                • #9
                  Read UNDER that article, scroll down....there's some pretty good ranting going's all pretty funny to me.


                  • #10
                    My bad...



                    • #11
                      It's all good bro...:cheers:


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          A good statement:

                          I doubt that amd will bow anytime soon, allthough it seems as if they are putting it all on 64bit, may it rise or fall, if it is going to be a hit (wich i doubt) intel will for sure release a similar product right afterwards sending amd down to beeing the underdog again, but, what if it is going to be a pos? then amd have been wasting alot of time, making a average processor and doing paper realeses, not exactly what i would call good marketing.

                          this seems like a last somewhat desperate shot from amd to get to the top, however, i dont see intel planing on producing any 64bit desktop chips, and if it was worth it, they would be making them for sure.

                          Meanwhile, intel just realesed ht to the p4, are coming with a 800mhz fsb chip in a few months, as long as springdale and canterwood are coming out (yes the amd does have dual ddr boards and no they arent using the bandwidth near as good as the p4)

                          Price vs performance? The price difference on equal performing processors are minimal, i mean if u choose what to buy because its 10$ cheaper u really should reconsider how much a fast computer does mean to u.

                          Some people are saying that amd are better because they perform better on slower mhz, well using some brain activity would sow u that when buying a p4 u pay alot less per mhz than u do when buying a amd, and the argument just shows a great lack of beeing serious.

                          HT is here, 800mhz is just around the corner, so are canterwood and springdale, and prescott arent to far away, so what does amd have to show ? Paper realeses and 64bit talk my ass..



                          • #14
                            All I can say to that is....I hope that was a quote and not yours Tweaker. My spellchecker and grammar program alarm went off, and all I could see was the flashing red lights...oh wait, that's the uneducated biased opinion alarm....hmmmm...
                            To me, it comes down to : Opinions are like @$$holes...everyone has one, but the only one you need worry about is your own...:afro:


                            • #15
                              Yes it was a quote. I dunno bout you guys but i should have been quite irritated as a customer if someone treated me the way amd treats their customers. If Intel should behave like that i would tell them to go and **** themselfs and switch to amd..

                              All they keep doing is delaying and making those "paper releases"

                              Btw how long is it now since the actual first release date on the hammer were set? :mad:


