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C2D 6600 oc question

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  • C2D 6600 oc question

    I am curious what a "safe" oc for my cpu is that would be south of it's top end max potential. I am currently running at 3.0 with the multiplier set at 7 and the fsb at 429, cpu volt is 1.325, tried it at 1.30 but got random freeze ups under load. At current settings, idle temps are at mid/upper 30's and under load using IntelBurn Test low to mid 60's. I have a ZeroTherm fairly large copper hs/fan but have never been impressed with this particular model, can't recall what it's called but the fins are shaped in a butterfly style outline with a red LED, looks cooler than it performs .
    I am just wondering what the oc range is on this cpu from others experience. This mb has great potential and options so just need to see what I can do with it. Also curious if I bump to say 3.2, 3.5, 3.8 etc. will that require to increase the cpu vcore as well? If so may need to look into a better hs/fan. Thanks.
    Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
    C2D 6600 @ 3.0 w/ZeroTherm hs/fan
    G.Skill 8500 2x2048
    Evga 9800 GTX+
    WD Raptor 150 gig/Seagate 250 gig
    Thermaltake Toughpower 700 watt
    Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP1

  • #2
    Re: C2D 6600 oc question

    After further research I think i have answered my questions but now have a few more. From what I can determine the max range for this cpu oc wise is 3.4-3.6 and yes, if I go above the current 3.0 I may have to up the voltage a bit to stay stable as long as I stay ideally below 1.5 vcore.

    My next question is regarding the multiplier and fsb. I desire to run 24/7 at 3.2. The easiest route is an 8 multiplier at 400 fsb. What I am wondering, is it better to use a lower multiplier and higher fsb or a higher multiplier and lower fsb, or does it matter at all? Thanks.
    Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
    C2D 6600 @ 3.0 w/ZeroTherm hs/fan
    G.Skill 8500 2x2048
    Evga 9800 GTX+
    WD Raptor 150 gig/Seagate 250 gig
    Thermaltake Toughpower 700 watt
    Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP1


    • #3
      Re: C2D 6600 oc question

      My next question is regarding the multiplier and fsb. I desire to run 24/7 at 3.2. The easiest route is an 8 multiplier at 400 fsb. What I am wondering, is it better to use a lower multiplier and higher fsb or a higher multiplier and lower fsb, or does it matter at all? Thanks
      Surely somebody can offer an answer to this question.
      Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
      C2D 6600 @ 3.0 w/ZeroTherm hs/fan
      G.Skill 8500 2x2048
      Evga 9800 GTX+
      WD Raptor 150 gig/Seagate 250 gig
      Thermaltake Toughpower 700 watt
      Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP1


      • #4
        Re: C2D 6600 oc question

        Theoretically the higher FSB/lower multiplier should offer better memory bandwidth, but whether that results in a practical improvement for the programs you run is something you'll have to test for yourself.
        Intel Q9550 @ 3.842GHz * Gigabyte EP45-UD3P v1.1 * 8GB of OCZ Reaper HPC * nVidia GeForce GTX 660 * Mac OS X 10.9.2


        • #5
          Re: C2D 6600 oc question

          Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
          C2D 6600 @ 3.0 w/ZeroTherm hs/fan
          G.Skill 8500 2x2048
          Evga 9800 GTX+
          WD Raptor 150 gig/Seagate 250 gig
          Thermaltake Toughpower 700 watt
          Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP1


          • #6
            Re: C2D 6600 oc question

            I made an attempt to run the cpu at 3.2 by first making the multiplier 8 and frequency 400 and also leaving multiplier at 7 and frequency to 457. In either attempt the system will not post, just loops back to bios. I upped the vcore to 1.35 but still no go. Maybe would have worked at a higher vcore but decided to leave well enough alone for the time being. Looking forward to some assistance on getting 3.2 stable. Thanks.
            Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
            C2D 6600 @ 3.0 w/ZeroTherm hs/fan
            G.Skill 8500 2x2048
            Evga 9800 GTX+
            WD Raptor 150 gig/Seagate 250 gig
            Thermaltake Toughpower 700 watt
            Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP1


            • #7
              Re: C2D 6600 oc question

              I usually like to start from a known stable combination of multiplier and FSB, and bump the bus speed a few MHz at a time instead of going for it all at once.

              Can you make it run at 9x356? My Q6600 will run at that setting at 1.35V.

              Did you make sure the memory was running at or below its specified MHz? I often forget to check this when I'm pushing up the clocks.
              Intel Q9550 @ 3.842GHz * Gigabyte EP45-UD3P v1.1 * 8GB of OCZ Reaper HPC * nVidia GeForce GTX 660 * Mac OS X 10.9.2

