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How much Thermal paste?

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  • How much Thermal paste?

    I was wondering just how much thermal paste you need on a CPU. The one I took off the mobo had a lot of silver compound smeared across the whole top.
    I have seen some with just the center raised portion covered.
    Could the silver short out the little raised thingies on the top of the chip?
    Is this a dumb question? :rolleyes:

    Thanks : peace2:

  • #2
    go see this site Artic Silver Follow these instructions carefully... for your own good! ;)


    • #3
      Thanks syx!!

      Thats a great page.. Though I don't think the thermal paste I have is Artic Silver. It's silver colored and says it is 10% silver but there is no brand name on the tube. A made in China knock off maybe? I just hope it will do the job.

      Again thanks!


      • #4
        Arctic Silver 3 is like 99% silver i think...

        it should be applied only on the CPU core: "the central raised bit", paper thickness.



        • #5
          When I removed my cpu it had a load of old compound on the chip as well heh, but I wouldn't worry about shorting out the chip I have never known that to happen.

          But to answer your question yes you only need it on the square part in the middle and only a tiny bit which you then spread over so it covers the entire square as a thin even layer.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Chrysalis
            When I removed my cpu it had a load of old compound on the chip as well heh, but I wouldn't worry about shorting out the chip I have never known that to happen.

            But to answer your question yes you only need it on the square part in the middle and only a tiny bit which you then spread over so it covers the entire square as a thin even layer.
            Thermal Paste is conductive so having it accidently spilt between the bridges probably isnt the best idea. :confused:

