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Power Supply Problems?

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  • Power Supply Problems?

    Could anyone give me a rundown of possible problems caused by a crappy power suppy, or one that isn't sufficent enough for the system?

  • #2
    Random reboots or reboots when hot.


    • #3
      I do have random reboots, but what's the random reboot because of heat thing all about? The power supply gets to hot?


      • #4
        lots of problems could result from a bad power supply. Why don't you tell us specifically what is going on. Also, give us detailed system specs while you're at it. If random reboots is your only symptom, that could be caused by more than just your power supply.


        • #5
          I was just going to say the same thing.

          Random reboots is such a hard thing to troubleshoot. I would definetely not go out and buy a new powersupply unless I KNEW it was the problem.

          RAM is a good culprit. So is overclocking. HEAT is another one.
          Software issues, hardware issues.

          The list is as long as you can imagine. WHEN, WHERE, WHAT, WHY, and HOW is a good place to start.

          As much info you can give is the best for a solution. Especially the timing and any recent changes made.



          • #6
            Yeah, I know, but I thought someone might recognize me from the other threads I posted about this. Basically the system will only reboot when I try downloading large files, it couldn't have anything to do with the size I am realizing. Because I am using Bit Torrent, and it takes up a lot of Cpu processing, as I've noticed when I check the taskmanager - under the Performance tab. It's not RAM because I've had that checked a million times and no errors. I might lead to a heat issue but I've got 3 fans in there as is, 2 sucking air out and one blowing it in. I've been told that my case is not the best with airflow however. It's an Enermax:

            The same as that, except a 300w instead of a 350w. I do have an Antec 350w in my other computer, that I could switch out and test I guess. As far as system specs go there's what's in the sig plus the 3 case fans, and 1 cd-rw.

