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Sony Viao Laptop

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  • Sony Viao Laptop

    I am trying to fix a friends laptop.I believe original problem was the touchpad stopped working and they unhooked the ribbon.I have looked but can find no place to reattach it,anyways.When starting the computer,it says it wasn't shutdown properly(of course) and if safe mode is chosen,you get>>Blue screen saying Page_Fault_In_Unpaged_Area..If start windows normally or last know good configuration is chosen you get>>Blue screen saying Driver_Unloaded_Without_Cancelling_Pending_Operati ons.It lists a file "Apfiltr.sys"..Did a google search for file and it seems it does have something to do with the touchpad but I have noway of loading it anyways.I have tried their recovery cds,tried reformatting and reloading XP from their cds,tried reformatting and reloading XP with my XP cd...Tried swapping RAM modules,looked in BIOS to disable memory caching or shadowing nothing there.I took out Mobo battery for 30mins,nuttin works.I am out of ideas,except for large hammer! Any help is appreciated.Thanks

  • #2
    heheehe, I hate those damn little ribbons.
    the touchpad is attached to the top part of the case. the ribbon goes to the motherboard on the lower part of the case. it should be right under the touchpad. there is a connector. trust me.
    If you have a model I could probably help you more by showing it on the pic.


    • #3
      Thanks for the speedy reply. The model number is: PCG-FX340
      A picture would be very helpful as I have looked under the pad but still don't see the connection spot. Thanks again,


      • #4
        damn, I thought I had a website that gave me all the pics, but I dont remember it :(
        sorry, unless you can get me a pic, I have no way of showing you where it goes.


        • #5
          A workaround might be to attach a ps2 or usb mouse to the laptop and disable the touch pad in the sony utilities if you get it to boot.
          Also, your blue screens that you are getting is typical to win xp or 2000 that needs a repair from the cd!


          • #6
            Thanks, but have tried the repair from the cd, to no avail, also tried a clean install.

