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Computex 2006 - GIGABYTE: Presents the Latest Multimedia Technologies

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  • Computex 2006 - GIGABYTE: Presents the Latest Multimedia Technologies

    -- GIGABYTE Computex 2006 --<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:line id=_x0000_s1026 style="Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 0px; POSITION: absolute; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-position-horizontal-relative: text; mso-position-vertical-relative: text" stroked="f" to="433.75pt,9.05pt" from="108.4pt,-17.95pt"></v:line>

    -- Presents the Latest Multimedia Technologies --

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    GIGABYTE graphics accelerator unveils 4 surprises for new-generation power users at COMPUTEX Taipei 2006, introducing compelling PC solutions ranging from Silent-Pipe II Turbo Force Ultra technology with up to 30% performance improvement, HD Image Quality at the high-resolution display with Dual-link support and new wireless multimedia networking, and Highest-Rated PC Game Bundles. No matter which GIGABYTE VGA product users choose for their PCs, they are sure to enjoy an outstanding experience designed especially for professionals who appreciate stunning visuals. <o:p></o:p>
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    Silent-Pipe II
    Witness the evolution of the revolution. Silent-Pipe II technology that generates natural convection provides more efficient cooling without the use of fans. This is achieved through a unique design that draws cool air in through a new proprietary front-flow thermal module to remove heat from the heat sink on the VGA card. With the improved natural airflow generated by GIGABYTE Silent-Pipe II technology, even hardcore 3D processing applications can run smoothly and reliably with minimal noise from high-speed VGA card cooling fans. With its extremely quiet operation, GIGABYTE Silent-Pipe II technology is ideal for home theatre and media center enthusiasts who require impeccable performance from high-end graphics cards without the intolerable whir of cooling fans.

    Turbo Force Ultra <o:p></o:p>
    Each GIGABYTE Turbo Force Ultra edition VGA card includes T3 technology and V-tuner3
    <v:shape id=_x0000_s1029 style="MARGIN-TOP: -84.35pt; Z-INDEX: -2; LEFT: 0px; MARGIN-LEFT: 297pt; WIDTH: 2in; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 105.45pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left" wrapcoords="-112 0 -112 21447 21600 21447 21600 0 -112 0" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:title="T3" src="file:///H:\Backups\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image005.jpg"></v:imagedata><w:wrap type="tight"></w:wrap></v:shape><v:shape id=_x0000_s1030 style="MARGIN-TOP: -129.35pt; Z-INDEX: -1; LEFT: 0px; MARGIN-LEFT: 297pt; WIDTH: 146.25pt; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 36pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left" wrapcoords="-111 0 -111 21150 21600 21150 21600 0 -111 0" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:title="Turbo Force Ultra" src="file:///H:\Backups\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image007.jpg"></v:imagedata><w:wrap type="tight"></w:wrap></v:shape>

    HD Image Quality
    GIGABYTE is ready for high definition gaming fun. To assure every consumer of ultimate video quality, Dual-link DVI support has been a standard feature on VGA product line. Dual Link technology doubles the display bandwidth through a single DVI connection to support ultra-high resolution output and significantly increase productivity. Want a bigger canvas to realize a big idea? Plus, one fantastic wireless multimedia solution is coming. GIGABYTE Wireless VGA really achieves boundless communications with MPEG2 video compression by <st1:chmetcnv w:st="on" UnitName="a" SourceValue="802.11" HasSpace="True" Negative="False" NumberType="1" TCSC="0">802.11 a</st1:chmetcnv>/g MIMO.

    Highest-Rated PC Game Bundles<o:p></o:p>

    About GIGABYTE<o:p></o:p>
    GIGABYTE TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd., established in 1986, is now celebrating its 20<SUP>th</SUP> anniversary in 2006. GIGABYTE has earned a global reputation for its outstanding achievements in the motherboard industry by upholding the concept of innovation, quality and reliability. Multiple national awards, such as the Golden Brain Prize and the Taiwan National Quality Award, had shown high recognition to it. The Taiwan Symbol of Excellence, especially, has granted GIGABYTE awards for eight consecutive years which set an unmatched record in the motherboard industry. <o:p></o:p>