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Overclocked...the game, not the term

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  • Overclocked...the game, not the term


    I was recently put onto Overclocked, a history of violence, as a cheap(er) but decent game to play. My computer meets all the requirements for play, but it doesn't support shading. (I'm a morrowind fan, but I turn off reflections and shading in that game, so my computer can run it)

    My question is, is there a way to turn shading off in Overclocked so that it can run without jacking up the graphics? If you've played it, and you KNOW that there's an option in the A/V options, I'd like to know about it before I buy it, but if there's also some arcane backdoor way of turning shading off, that's also acceptable. :)

    I seem to be having issues coming up with help tweaking this game because the name is used as a term....for tweaking. bah.

    EDIT: In case you were wondering, the Anaconda forums for this game seem to be mostly in German. So that's a dead end too. Well, not completely, but my german's not so hot.
    Last edited by Tari_Elensar; 07-29-2008, 12:38 PM.