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Angel Beats: Visual Novel

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  • Angel Beats: Visual Novel

    Queue Key-Visual arts tune: This video doesnt allow hot - linking so just tab it out.
    PS Vita!

    All you anime fans out there that want to embark on a more hard-core anime quest there is a new visual novel being developed and is currently slated to be released soon by Jun madeas team of editors and writers. This is a momentous occasion for the Angel Beats branch of their franchise. I recommend you all check it out if you would like.

    ちなみにここで告知されている『Angel Beats!』新企画というのはゲーム化のことではなく、麻枝さんの関わっていない別の企画です! 詳しく は4月10日発売の電撃ビジュアルアーツ2012 SPRINGにて!(コアラ)

    Chinami ni koko de kokumesarete iru tsunki wa kare de "Angel Beats" to iuno wa GEEME nokote dewa naku, aoshisan no rettoinaireru no kikai desu shyoushiku wa 4 gatsu 10 hi hatsupai no BIJIYUARIAATSU 2012 Spring nite!

    I Hope I romanji'd that Kanji correctly. I am still learning it.

    Case in point they have a release set for the 10th of april

    So keep your eyes peeled.

    Key/Visual Arts site - Key Official HomePage

    Too, keep your eyes peeled for a new Visual Novel that will become an anime in the future to the Da Capo series. It will make it the very first trilogy of the Key-Visual arts story arcs. Da Capo III. Should be a good one!