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buy oblivion

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  • buy oblivion

    its truely the best rpg in the world.

  • #2
    Re: buy oblivion

    Although your statement is true, I was a bit disappointed. It is a little to much like Morrowind IMO. The "radiant AI" is not what I thought it would be, nor are the physics as good as they were hyped up to be.The gorgeous graphics do more than make up for it's slight shortcomings though. There have been some glitches, but a patch is in the works already. Just remember to save often and to not use autosave, this overwrites your previous..and with one of the glitches being corrupted save game SUX to have to do everything all over again due to a bad file!

    I'm thinking Elder Scrolls V will be what I expected out of IV.


    • #3
      Re: buy oblivion

      That'll be made a long time from now... Fallout 3 is Bethesda's next project. I'm about as excited for that as I was for Half-Life 2.

      Anyway, Obilivion itself does have some major issues, and some areas are flawed, but in the end the game is just damn enjoyable. I spent about 100 hours and a couple runs through before I lost the addiction, and I'm still not done playing. The last single-player RPG that did that to me was Final Fantasy VIII. Faults aside, it really is a great game.

      That said, I never did play Morrowind, so I can't really appreciate what you're talking about in that regard.


      • #4
        Re: buy oblivion

        Damn, I get motion sickness from that game. It really sucks! There are a few other games that will do that to me but Oblivion and its pedecessor are the worst. Looks like I'll have to wimp out on the adventure:(. Anyone else have this problem or is it just me?


        • #5
          Re: buy oblivion

          lol just you!

          nevermind, i also realised the ai was kinda simple, but the graphics and the attention spent on the detail, books, quests, etc blow me away. the main quest is short though. i never play rpgs, i never even looked at morrowind though my friends loved it. but this game ranks 1st on my games list now.
          oh yeah, it has lots of bugs, mainly when theres 4 people around you the game grinds to a total halt, which i could do without.


          • #6
            Re: buy oblivion

            Morrowind is a good game, MUCH longer than Oblivion due to the main quest being tied into several other quests. The graphics aren't that good, but were nice at the time. The beginning was extremely annoying with your low fighting skills as it was a swing/miss type system. Then once you got your skills up you were pretty much a God.
            The story line is a bit better IMO, and the two expansions are nice as well. The unique weapons were MUCH far at least. One major difference is the compass, there is none. So you may be searching literally for hours looking for a cave or ruin. I would jump on the forum to find specific places some times. There is a nice 3d party map that allows you to search.

            If you are extremely into Oblivion and want a similar experience (without the marvelous graphics) then Morrowind is the place. I believe the GOTY(game of the year) edition has both expansions included.



            • #7
              Re: buy oblivion

              Originally posted by matm347
              Morrowind is a good game, MUCH longer than Oblivion due to the main quest being tied into several other quests. The graphics aren't that good, but were nice at the time. The beginning was extremely annoying with your low fighting skills as it was a swing/miss type system. Then once you got your skills up you were pretty much a God.
              The story line is a bit better IMO, and the two expansions are nice as well. The unique weapons were MUCH far at least. One major difference is the compass, there is none. So you may be searching literally for hours looking for a cave or ruin. I would jump on the forum to find specific places some times. There is a nice 3d party map that allows you to search.

              If you are extremely into Oblivion and want a similar experience (without the marvelous graphics) then Morrowind is the place. I believe the GOTY(game of the year) edition has both expansions included.

              <?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p>
              heck. i even bought the g.o.t.y. edition of morrowind in part wid my bro, and it just looks too crap. sorry, but im a graphics snob.
              youre right about main quest, but at moment i jut like exploring the country. its soooo enjoyable...


              • #8
                Re: buy oblivion

                Originally posted by Munkul
                heck. i even bought the g.o.t.y. edition of morrowind in part wid my bro, and it just looks too crap. sorry, but im a graphics snob.
                It was released in '02, so at that time the graphics were pretty good. If you compare to Oblivon, anything is going to look bad.


                • #9
                  Re: buy oblivion

                  well, by hte time i got morrowind,i had UT2004 and far cry,so i knew which id rather play...

