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Diablo 2 Players?

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  • Diablo 2 Players?

    Anybody on here still play D2 LOD?
    If anyone does, wanna have a few games together?

    maybe if you see me on i'm in USEast i got 2 accounts
    juggalo_dan, and DarkOwl_JD hope to get some more buddies to play with

  • #2
    I still play but I'm waiting for 1.10 to come out before i get involved again.


    • #3
      I've been playing on US West lately, but am waiting for the 1.10 patch as well. Hopefully soon... the new damages look promising.
      Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill
      My Toys


      • #4
        i just got into this game rescently, about 2 months ago, i love it.
        i hope the new patch makes it so when you pick up your body it doesnt take off your weapons if you already had one on, i had a kickass yew wand on my necro and i picked up an axe accidentally and i sold all the stuff in my inventory to make room, and i didnt notice i had an axe instead of my yew wand


        • #5
          I play off and on, but I'm waiting on the new patch before I really get back into it, but since I will have very little free time in the future, it may continue to be off and on for some time :(


          • #6
            I Play diablo 2 on the Europe realm. My acc is TheFly, but like many I'm waiting for the 1.10 patch. Diablo has been on an all time low the last 2 years. :grr:


            • #7
              how can you say that, there is like 10k games being played everytime i go on, maybe its just the euro realm:)


              • #8
                I know it makes me lame but I used to play Open quite a bit... mainly just Single and at LANs... sure they can be hacked but if you do that, where's the point? I have a semi-retired Sorceress who's at level 87 ATM.


                • #9
                  i use to play D-2. but with all the hacking/duping, i dont play.

                  still waiting for the new patch which i have been still waiting for years. (lazy

                  iplay us.west by the way


                  • #10
                    there isnt nearly as much hacking or duping anymore, but there is a slew of bugged items going around with strange attributes


                    • #11
                      lol no duping and hacking huh!? check out the websites that sell stuff. that is the reason for the delay, blizzard wants a clean sweep of all that nonsense, but those guys just keep kicking out the crap items which is gonna piss off a lot of ppl when they update and realize all there stuff is gone.


                      • #12
                        lol good job a reserrecting the thread...


                        • #13
                          the last post was last week :P

                          learn some grammar.


                          • #14
                            your telling me to learn some grammar because i forgot a t and i put an e instead of a u :?:

                            by the way, its still summer holidays in canada, im still in summer mode


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by clueroti
                              the last post was last week :P

                              learn some grammar.
                              Grammar... that's like, capitalisation and things, right?

