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Your favorite games of ALL time!

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  • #16
    My new favorite PC game is True Combat . The game is like CS, but not. Picture CS with no sights (You manually have to aim your gun by using Iron Sights which will line up the sights for you to see!) CS w/out all the 12 year old people who probably say gay more than any other word, and who are screaming on the mic every 5 seconds. True Combat is actually better than CS, which I have not found any other online multi PC game capable of doing this yet! This mod for Quake 3 is too good for words :D. It alone is reason to buy Q3.


    • #17
      Amiga 500 with 1 Mb:

      Test drive, Leisure Suit Larry, Monkey Island, Lemmings.. many many more..


      Sof1-2, Mafia, Gta3, Max Payne, MOHAA.. many more.. :)


      • #18
        Monkey Island series
        Quake 3 CTF
        Urban Terror (Q3 Mod)
        Enemy Territory


        • #19
          Jumpman was a favorite game of mine from way back.

          Doom2 was probably my all time favorite. I still play it with the JDoom engine - lots of open gl eye candy, and many doom lovers are still writing wad files. With thousands of levels to choose from and more being written, I sure got my moneys worth from this game.

          One game I wish more game level authors still wrote for is Quake2.


          • #20
            Final Fantasy 7


            • #21
              grand theft auto the original, grand theft auto vice city, final fantasy 7 and chrash bandicoot 1 and 2 and commander keen.


              • #22
                I'm going to have to agree with Bastille Day. Jumpman was one of the best.

                Along with Shamus, bouncing babies, Leisure Suit Larry 1 & 3, Red Dragon. Colonization was a little more recent. Doom 1&2 were great. What is this JDoom engine?

                Master of Orion1,2,3
                Ultima Online


                • #23

                  Jdoom is one of the engines that allow you to play doom 1&2 in a 32bit environment as required by 2000 and XP. Jdoom is the best of the extra doom engines IMO. It was written by a guy who goes by the handle of Sky Jake. If you have a problem with Jdoom he is very prompt and helpful with an answer.

                  Zdoom is another excellent engine without the gl eye candy, but you can still do 1600 by1200 resolution, which is a far cry from the original. They both can be located with a google search.



                  • #24
                    Wow that's strange that you guys mentioned that. Lol just a couple of days ago I try jDoom, it rocks! It is by far better than zDoom which I used to play :D. It's almost like playing a whole new doom :thumb:


                    • #25
                      DOA3 gets the most replay for me, but my all time favorite game is probably still Bond on N64


                      • #26
                        Nobody mentionned Carmaggedon 2??
                        I still play this game, just bumping people, smashing dogs & lambs, wrecking all sorts of cars with all sort of cars!!!
                        That is just plain fun, it should be integrated with the OS, next to solitaire card game!!


                        • #27
                          too top all yall Americas Amry:Special Forces and its free


                          • #28
                            I only skimmed through the posts but it seems like Beefy is the only one that mentioned the Final Fantasy series. I liked 8 best (even more than 7), but the entire series was good (I have only played about 2\3 of them, though). I'll just make this whole topic redundant and say:
                            Half-Life + mods, Warcraft\Starcraft series (deciding which one is best would be hard), Doom series (I haven't tried all the engines but I really like Legacy), Goldeneye (the only good console FPS IMO, maybe excluding Halo).

                            Some more that I don't think were mentioned:
                            Diablo series, X-com series, Civilization series, Metal Gear Solid, Deus Ex, Neverwinter Nights, RtC Wolfenstein, Max Payne series, C&C\Red Alert series,
                            I thought Metal Gear Solid 2 screwed up the storyline enough that gameplay wasn't enough to make up for it, so I won't say series there (though there are some that complained the first had too much story , depends on your style).
                            I won't even go into arcade and SNES games (Earthbound, Asteroids, Missle Command, Mario, crap I said I wouldn't do this) because my post will get too long for comfort.


                            • #29
                              Battlefield 1942


                              • #30
                                hmmm...didnt appear to be many sports fans here.

                                Tecmo Superbowl for the NES is probably my all time fave. There's nothing like throwing 100yard TD passes. :)

                                Star Wars KotOR

                                FF7 and 8

