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"The joys of motoring", my folks say

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  • #16
    If it had happened in the US, you would almost certainly be held 50+% responsible. Their logic is that "You did the hitting" That logic may seem flawed, but that amount keeps people from going out and causing accidents that look like they are not the fault of the driver, just to get the insurance money.

    I'm thinking AU won't be much different, but who knows...


    • #17
      The insurance guy said:

      "Technically, it is his fault because he changed lanes without giving way"

      So, we'll see...
      Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
      Managing Director
      Tweak Town Pty Ltd


      • #18
        hate to be a bummer here mate, but all insurance companies want you to say it was the other's fault.
        do you have "small claims court" in Aus? where you can sue the other guy for "small" sums (eg less than $3000)? cos I think this may be where this claim is going - it's not your fault so your insurance company wont take the costs but the other guy wont/cant pay.
        keep sweet with the insurance company, be helpful, and they might fight this guy for his money for you.
        best of luck:thumb:

        ps I knew a girl who reverse parked into another car. she got out and admitted it was her fault. she got sued and dumped by her insurance company for admitting liability. sick world eh?


        • #19
          that fosters girl needs a severe beef(y) injection ......:laugh:

