Re: Gigabyte Latest BIOS
can anyone say total inexperienced noob?
my EX58-UD3R (which is inferior to a UD5) overclocks to 4.5Ghz with ease, just not a voltages that I am comfortable with for 24/7
I run at 4.2Ghz on an i7 920 (C0) that is stable and happy now at 1.475volts and that is fine (for now)...every bios version all pretty much the same
your statement:
"It seems Gigabyte mb:s are not really suitable for overclocking" shows your inexperience at overclocking, even if you think ur experienced, ur obviously not.
btw this is not a overclocking troubles thread, its a bios thread (I know I should not have posted either, but couldn't help myself...sorry Stasio won't happen again)
now for something helpful for limons:
go to
Core i7/X58 Overclocking Thread - XtremeSystems Forums
Overclocking with Gigabyte x58 Mobos - -
Gigabyte X-58 Overclocking Guide - Overclockers Forums
Gigabyte EX58-UD5 Motherboard Review & Overclocking - Page 1 - Introduction
and ask for help here, lots of overclockers can help
you've obviously got some reading to do
if u do not research and learn about overclocking first any brand will give you troubles with overclocking
Originally posted by limons
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my EX58-UD3R (which is inferior to a UD5) overclocks to 4.5Ghz with ease, just not a voltages that I am comfortable with for 24/7
I run at 4.2Ghz on an i7 920 (C0) that is stable and happy now at 1.475volts and that is fine (for now)...every bios version all pretty much the same
your statement:
"It seems Gigabyte mb:s are not really suitable for overclocking" shows your inexperience at overclocking, even if you think ur experienced, ur obviously not.
btw this is not a overclocking troubles thread, its a bios thread (I know I should not have posted either, but couldn't help myself...sorry Stasio won't happen again)
now for something helpful for limons:
go to
Core i7/X58 Overclocking Thread - XtremeSystems Forums
Overclocking with Gigabyte x58 Mobos - -
Gigabyte X-58 Overclocking Guide - Overclockers Forums
Gigabyte EX58-UD5 Motherboard Review & Overclocking - Page 1 - Introduction
and ask for help here, lots of overclockers can help
you've obviously got some reading to do
if u do not research and learn about overclocking first any brand will give you troubles with overclocking