Originally posted by timeDrapery
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"Stop acting like anyone owes you anything, stop acting like people are getting over on anything, stop posting the ****ing BIOS files if you can't interact with the people that put food on your ****ing table by buying your terribly supported hardware if you can't stop acting like a spoiled ****ing brat"
Where do I even begin with that little gem? Stop acting like anyone owes you anything? You must have been looking in the mirror when you typed that. And, Stasio can post any bios files without a changelog. You know why???? Cuz he doesn't owe any of us anything. Now, probably why he doesn't is because HE DOESNT HAVE THE F'ING CHANGELOG you twit. People like you are the ones that ruin crap for everyone else. Because you want to act like a little B and throw a fit online. Grow the F up.