Just adding that I was able to hit fclk@2000 easy-peezy with f13a on my Aorus B550 master + 5950x. In all my previous attempts with previous BIOS versions, I was never able to get above IF1860 so I just gave up, and tweaked my RAM timings at 3.6 GHz so I could keep 1:1:1. With other previous comments of good results with F13a, I gave it a shot. Set RAM to 40x, set IF to 2000 MHz, no voltage adjustments except RAM @ 1.4v, and that's it! Been perfectly stable at 2000:2000:2000. My RAM timings are loosened at this point since they were based on 3600 MHz, but I'll tighten those back up after I'm sure the new config is stable for a few days.
