After weeks now using F31, on a x570 master with a 5900x, PBO disabled and man. OC without any WHEA I gave the F33a a shot. F33a is not possible for me due to F9 errors, sometimes I am able to get into bios (all default, also I did a cmos). I did a role back to my old F31 and performed a second trial and the same problem using F33a. Following F33a I updated to F32 Bios from the GB page. This one works for me quit similar to F31, meaning absolutly unstable without PBO disabled (meaning WHEA errors when gaming) but stable with PBO disabled. All three Bios (F31, F32a and F33a) still have the M.2 bug, meaning i cannot boot from it as long as no other Windows is installed on another drive. F32 also seems to have a bit higher CPU temps compared to F31.
In summary for me nothing has changed, still the MB is not able to be stable in default mode!
In summary for me nothing has changed, still the MB is not able to be stable in default mode!