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ASRockRack X570D4I-2T IMPI/BMC issues

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  • ASRockRack X570D4I-2T IMPI/BMC issues

    I have a X570D4I-2T and at first IPMI web interface was working, although I couldn't see anything in the remote BIOS page. Also, the webpage was using a self-signed cert and I wanted to use my own as I have a wildcard cert for my domain. I uploaded the full cert chain for the domain as well as the private key, and after an IPMI reboot the network interface didn't listen on ports 80 or 443 anymore. This is what I see form NMAP now:

    22/tcp open ssh
    427/tcp open svrloc
    5900/tcp open vnc
    49152/tcp open unknown

    I tried so many things, such as:

    * BcmDef.exe application that I found on the Internet: correctly detected the BCM version and ran successfully, but nothing changed in the behavior, even after a full reboot
    * socflash v1.20.00, as described in the ASRockRack support page, pointing to the current BCM firmware: this one didn't work, just errored out. I can try running it again to get the error message for you if it helps
    * restart BCM settings from BIOS

    I would like to reset the BCM chip from factory settings in a way that I can use the web interface again.