Hi guys
does someone know these problem yet?
I think its the same timing problem which the x79 extreme 6 had in the past (i think it was solved with beta bios 1.0b)
If the graphics card run under pcie gen3 windows get flooted with whea 17 errors until bsod124.
if i turn the pcie manually to gen1 the hole problems are gone, no whea no bsod.
but thats not a solution thats only a workaround.
is there a fix for the taichi yet?
does someone know these problem yet?
I think its the same timing problem which the x79 extreme 6 had in the past (i think it was solved with beta bios 1.0b)
If the graphics card run under pcie gen3 windows get flooted with whea 17 errors until bsod124.
if i turn the pcie manually to gen1 the hole problems are gone, no whea no bsod.
but thats not a solution thats only a workaround.
is there a fix for the taichi yet?