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down system!!! please help!!

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  • down system!!! please help!!

    ok, heres the problem, i was busy playing ut2k3 and my system died after a few hours of playing and at first it was erroring so i tested and found the ram to be bad, so i got a new exact set of corsair pc4000 xms ram and the bios died shortly after i got a os on there and updated/installed everything.. so i just got my bios chip back and it wont boot into windows, it will only boot into safe mode, i dont know what to do. i was thinking of getting a new mobo, but i love this one. oh also, when windows is installing it crashes and giver error code x0000007 but everything is at default speeds, could it by chance be the processor?, but then it wouldnt even turn on at all wouldnt it? HELP!!!!

    :group: :group: :group: :kay:

  • #2
    I'm just wonderin' if ya PSU is up to powerin' all the equipment that ya have runnin' in that setup. :?:


    • #3
      oh, yea the psu is fine i tried running it barebones (unplugged everything not 100% essential)its 450watts


      • #4
        Originally posted by ZEROKOOL
        so i just got my bios chip back and it wont boot into windows, it will only boot into safe mode
        I would try clean install of windows.
        Cuz above sounds like its not getting the right drivers or something.


        • #5
          i tried installing a new copy of windows right now, thats where im stuck, the installer keeps crashing giving kernal instack errors, and x0000007 errors (blue screen of death), and it never finishes the install, it doesnt even get close, it will say 34 mins remaining for a long time, like an hour. !!!! ugh im so frustrated i dont know whats wrong!!!!!!ARGGGHH!!!!


          • #6
            Do you have ACPI power managment enabled in the Bios?


            • #7
              U R 2 OVERCLOCKED MAN!!!


              • #8
                I just have a feelin' that the PSU after so long at powerin' so many things has just sagged too far much (premature agein') as what ya state in ya sig (plus what ya havn't stated) is IMO to much for any 450W to handle (550W minimum I'd use but I'd likely use 2 x 420W inline PSU's).


                • #9
                  psu isnt even 3 months old yet if its aging already...holy cow!, ok but this is even stranger, i had one of my pc buddies come in and he fixes pc's for a living, he couldnt fgure it out, but check this... as ssoon as i disabled HT everything worked again, no crashes no slow no errors just...worked (i havent tweaked the bios atall yet still running in ddr266 non-linniar/2.4Ghz) any thougts? i was thinking it blew the chipset itself, i kinda thought that 275+fsb was fast...ok gtg alot fo updating to do!:thumb:


                  • #10
                    Maybe ya need to do a BIOS update. :?:


                    • #11
                      UGH! maybe, i dont have a single shread of stability in the system anymore even at default speeds(266 dual chan non-liniar mode) damn thing crashes when i install video drivers and will never boot-up forcing me to have to do system restore. ill try doing a bios flash, because every boot-up bios tells me i have a new cpu installed and makes me go into bios again. ok back to start doing drivers again (starting over) ill try a bios flash wigga :P:wave:


                      • #12
                        Shot in the dark, is your CMOS battery good?

                        Also, you mentioned disablig HT fixes it, you havent ran BootVis have you?


                        • #13
                          no i havent ran bootvis, i dotn even know what it is, yes battery is good. i just tried to install the asus flash utility (to flash the bios) and it said it couldnt detect a asus mobo...crappy but bios rev. is 1012 i just d/l 1014 but im not gona deal with uit yet, i cant even get the vid card to work properly, i installed the nvidia drivers and reboot and my monitor goes black, then when i reboot it again it says windows crashed and if i go into safe and go back in a restore point it will work.


                          • #14
                            Run MemTest86

                            EDIT: Also, as I mentioned earlier, be sure ACPI Power Management is enabled in the Bios


                            • #15
                              ok, maybe this will reveal the problem, memtest-86 v3.0 failed 4/4 times! first time on 56%pass, test#5 next 3 times failed on 97/98% pass, test#6 @75% on 6:34 all 3 times, but, memory is brand new and worked before the bios died and needed to be replaced. so in combination with the x0000007f errors and the kernal data inpage errors, and the x00000024 errors might the problem be i fried the memmory controller in the p865pe chipset?
                              tommorow i think im going to go get me a new mobo, a asus p4c800 delux, think thats a good idea?
                              :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

