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hod do i

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  • hod do i

    OK here goes : I bought a computer at the thrift store for $5.00 and I have it up and running It has a 450gz pentium 2 processer and 256 pc100 mem. don't now what else yet My problem is how to erase partitions the best I can tell there are three running BACK OFFICE what ever that is I run FDISK and told the puter to do it;s thing but all that did was made anouther partition now I have 4 this is a server with a SISC 9.6 hard drive what program do i use to erease the hard drive and atart over

  • #2
    use FDISK correctly and it will delete and/or create whatever partitions you need. If you're not careful, you could easily do the wrong thing with it. Run FDISK from a bootdisk again and tell it to delete the partitons (it may say non-dos partitions if it doesn't recognize the partition type)


    • #3
      thanks for the reply first chance I'v had to get back ; deleted all partitions rerun FDISK , made new partition formated tryed to install WIN/ME would not boot , tryed 98 same thing install seemed to go ok but nither system would boot so i tyred server 2000 no problem, installed and booted OK. Now for a couple of days I have played with 2000 and I can do nothing on it install a game it want play serf the intrnet OK cant get apps. to work. So now I decided to let it upgrade to XP as i now how to work it a little better, my XP is a upgrade verision not full install , it said it could not upgrade the system (server 2000) so I clicked ok and XP went into a full install , so I let it run to see what would happen, now I have both systems on same disk and they both work I can boot either one , how can this work I made no partition for XP drive is 9.6 scis (i thank it is) both systems shoe fuul size.


      • #4
        alright, I think it's time you gave us your full system specs. This sounds like it is going to be more than just some funky partition issue.

