Is there a some kind of Programs that can detects on whether i have a faulty MOBO or a faulty HDD???
My AMD PC is having loads and loads of problems. Everytime you start the PC, the config is keeps on changing. Sometimes it wont recognise my Optical Drives, Sometimes it just gives a Blue Screen saying error message and finally... when I try to plug something (like webcam for instance) it wont recognise by the Windows while my other Pentium PC does.
I desperately Need your help, Im in a smashing my AMD box mood right now!! its taking a P88S!!!
Oh yah... and the funny bit... I updated the windows, then when it reboots to complete the updates, its just like no updates happened.
My AMD PC is having loads and loads of problems. Everytime you start the PC, the config is keeps on changing. Sometimes it wont recognise my Optical Drives, Sometimes it just gives a Blue Screen saying error message and finally... when I try to plug something (like webcam for instance) it wont recognise by the Windows while my other Pentium PC does.
I desperately Need your help, Im in a smashing my AMD box mood right now!! its taking a P88S!!!
Oh yah... and the funny bit... I updated the windows, then when it reboots to complete the updates, its just like no updates happened.