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Quake 4 console commands

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  • Quake 4 console commands

    Here is a complete list of all the Quake 4 console commands with short descriptions. There are 357 commands as opposed to only 268 in Doom 3, so a lot of new things for you to play with :)

    aasStats shows AAS stats
    activateEditor activates the currently open editor
    addarrow adds a debug arrow
    addChatLine internal use - core to game chat lines
    addIcon adds a test icon
    addline adds a debug line
    ai_debugFilter ai_debugMove and ai_debugTactical only work on the specified entity (if none, does one you're looking at)
    apState prints AP state
    aviCmdDemo writes AVIs for a command demo
    aviDemo writes AVIs for a demo
    aviGame writes AVIs for the current game
    benchmark benchmark
    bind binds a command to a key
    bindRagdoll binds ragdoll at the current drag position
    bindunbindtwo binds a key but unbinds it first if there are more than two binds
    blinkline blinks a debug line
    buildNotes build notes about the current map
    bundler Setup the bundler settings
    call calls script function and prints out return val
    centerview centers the view
    checkNewVersion check if a new version of the game is available
    checkSave tests save system
    clear clears the console
    clearAssetLog clears log of all the assets loaded
    clearLights clears all lights
    clientCallVote call a vote: clientCallVote si_.. proposed_value
    clientMessageMode ingame gui message mode
    clientVoiceChat voice chats: clientVoiceChat <sound shader>
    clientVoiceChatTeam team voice chats: clientVoiceChat <sound shader>
    clientvoicemute mute the specified player's incoming voicechat
    clientvoiceunmute unmute the specified player's incoming voicechat
    clientVote cast your vote: clientVote yes | no
    collisionModelInfo shows collision model info
    combineCubeImages combines six images for roq compression
    compressDemo compresses a demo file
    conDump dumps the console text to a file
    connect connects to a server
    crash causes a crash
    createCM creates a .cm file for a map
    cvar_restart restart the cvar system
    damage apply damage to an entity
    debugger launches the Script Debugger
    dec decrements the cvar integer value
    DecrementCVar DecrementCVar <name> <amount> <min>
    deleteSelected deletes selected entity
    demoShot writes a screenshot for a demo
    devmap loads a map in developer mode
    dir lists a folder
    dirtree lists a folder with subfolders
    disasmScript disassembles script
    disconnect disconnects from a game
    dmap compiles a map
    echo prints text
    editAFs launches the in-game Articulated Figure Editor
    editCVars edit cvars
    editDecls launches the in-game Declaration Editor
    editFX launches the fx editor
    editFX_play plays current effect in fx editor
    editFX_playlooping plays current effect in fx editor as looping effect
    editFX_stop stops current effect in fx editor
    editGUIs launches the GUI Editor
    editLights launches the in-game Light Editor
    editMaterials launches the Material Editor
    editor launches the level editor Radiant
    editPDAs launches the in-game PDA Editor
    editPlaybacks launches the playback editor
    editReverb launches the reverb editor
    editScripts launches the in-game Script Editor
    editSounds launches the in-game Sound Editor
    emote plays an emote
    entview launches the game entity viewer
    envshot takes an environment shot
    error causes an error
    evaluateMPPerformance spawns serveral player models
    exec executes a config file
    execMachineSpec execs the appropriate config files and sets cvars based on com_machineSpec
    execMPMachineSpec sets cvars for multiplayer
    exit exits the game
    exitCmdDemo exits a command demo
    exportCmpMD5R Export all MD5R models in a compressed form
    exportMD5R Export all MD5R models
    exportmodels exports models
    extract_tactical pulls tactical information for the current position.
    fadeSound fades all sound by X decibles over Y seconds
    fadeSoundClass fade the specified sound class
    finishBuild finishes the build process
    flashlight toggle actor's flashlight
    forceTeamChange force team change: forceTeamChange <id>
    freeze freezes the game for a number of seconds
    game_memory displays game class info
    gameError causes a game error
    gameKick same as kick, but recognizes player names
    getFriends gets your list of friends
    getServers get all of the servers from the master server
    getviewpos prints the current view position
    gfxInfo show graphics info
    give gives one or more items
    god enables god mode
    heartbeat send a heartbeat to the the master servers
    help shows help
    hitch hitches the game
    in_restart restarts the input system
    inc increments the cvar integer value
    IncrementCVar IncrementCVar <name> <amount> <max>
    jump jumps to a specific debug jump point
    keepTestModel keeps the last test model in the game
    kick kick a client by connection number
    kill kills the player
    killMessage prints a fake death message
    killMonsters removes all monsters
    killMoveables removes all moveables
    killRagdolls removes all ragdolls
    killVehicles kills all vehicles
    lanScan scans LAN for servers
    listActiveEntities lists active game entities
    listActiveSounds list the active sounds
    listAF lists articulated figures
    listAllDecls lists every single decl, not just the summary
    listAnims lists all animations
    listAudios lists Audios
    listBinds lists key bindings
    listClasses lists game classes
    listClients list all clients connected to the server
    listCmds lists commands
    listCollisionModels lists collision models
    listCvars lists cvars
    listDecls lists all decls
    listDictKeys lists all keys used by dictionaries
    listDictValues lists all values used by dictionaries
    listEffects lists effect decls
    listEmails lists Emails
    listEntities lists game entities
    listEntityDefs lists entity defs
    listEntityStats lists global entity stats
    listGameCmds lists game commands
    listGuis lists guis
    listHuffmanFrequencies lists decl text character frequencies
    listImageReferences lists materials and models referencing an image pattern
    listImages lists images
    listImagesRaven lists images (Raven)
    listInstances lists instances
    listLines lists all debug lines
    listLipsyncs lists lip sync decls
    listMapEntities lists map entity numbers
    listMaterials lists materials
    listMaterialTypes lists material types
    listModelDefs lists model defs
    listModels lists all models
    listModes lists all video modes
    listMonsters lists monsters
    listPDAs lists PDAs
    listPlaybacks lists playback decls
    listRenderEffectDefs lists the effect defs
    listRenderEntityDefs lists the entity defs
    listRendererCmds lists renderer commands
    listRenderLightDefs lists the light defs
    listServers lists scanned servers
    listSkins lists skins
    listSoundCmds lists sound commands
    listSoundDecoders list active sound decoders
    listSounds lists all sounds
    listSoundShaders lists sound shaders
    listSpawnArgs list the spawn args of an entity
    Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
    Managing Director
    Tweak Town Pty Ltd

  • #2
    Re: Quake 4 console commands

    The rest:

    listSpawnIds lists map entity numbers
    listSystemCmds lists system commands
    listTables lists tables
    listThreads lists script threads
    listToolCmds lists tool commands
    listVertexCache lists vertex cache
    listVideos lists Videos
    loadGame loads a game
    localizeGuis localize gui file
    localizeLipsyncs localize lipsyncs
    localizeMaps localize map files
    localizeValidateLipsyncs ensures the emotions in the localized strings match those in the English string
    localizeValidateStrings makes sure each string exists and is localised
    logview launches the game log viewer
    makeAmbientMap makes an ambient map
    makeLoadScreens Stub to keep the game from erroring out on startup when building load screens
    MakeMegaTexture processes giant images
    map loads a map
    memoryDump creates a memory dump
    memoryDumpCompressed creates a compressed memory dump
    modulateLights modifies shader parms on all lights
    modview launches the model viewer
    netScan scans internet for servers
    nextAnim shows next animation on test model
    nextFrame shows next animation frame on test model
    nextGUI teleport the player to the next func_static with a gui
    nextjumppoint jumps to the next debug jump point
    nextMap loads the next map on the server
    noclip disables collision detection for the player
    notarget disables the player as a target
    parse prints tokenized string
    path lists search paths
    phonemeGen generates phonemes for text/wav combination
    playCmdDemo plays back a command demo
    playDemo plays back a demo
    playerModel sets the given model on the player
    playNetDemo playback a network demo
    playNetTimeDemo run a timedemo on a network demo
    popLight removes the last created light
    prevAnim shows previous animation on test model
    prevFrame shows previous animation frame on test model
    prevjumppoint jumps to the previous debug jump point
    printAF prints an articulated figure
    printAudio prints an Video
    printEffects prints effects
    printEmail prints an Email
    printEntityDef prints an entity def
    printLipsyncs prints lip syncs
    printMaterial prints a material
    printMaterialTypes prints material types
    printMemInfo prints memory debugging data
    printModel prints model info
    printModelDefs prints a model def
    printPDA prints an PDA
    printPlaybacks prints playbacks
    printSkin prints a skin
    printSoundShader prints a sound shader
    printTable prints a table
    printVideo prints a Audio
    promptKey prompt and sets the CD Key
    QANotes qa notes about the current map
    quit quits the game
    rcon sends remote console command to server
    reconnect reconnect to the last server we tried to connect to
    recordDemo records a demo
    recordNetDemo recordDemo <name> start recording a network demo
    reexportmodels reexports models
    regenerateWorld regenerates all interactions
    reloadanims reloads animations
    reloadARBprograms reloads ARB programs
    reloadDecls reloads decls
    reloadEngine reloads the engine down to including the file system
    reloadFAS reloads the viseme data
    reloadGuis reloads guis
    reloadImages reloads images
    reloadLanguage reload language dict
    reloadModels reloads models
    reloadScript reloads scripts
    reloadShaders reloads the hardware shader programs
    reloadSounds reloads all sounds
    reloadSurface reloads the decl and images for selected surface
    remove removes an entity
    removeClientFromBanList removes a client id from the ban list: removeClientFromBanList <client id>
    removeline removes a debug line
    renderbump renders a bump map
    renderbumpFlat renders a flat bump map
    renderbumpFlatGUI launches the renderbump flat gui
    reportImageDuplication checks all referenced images for duplications
    reportSurfaceAreas lists all used materials sorted by surface area
    resaveDecl resaves a decl or every decl of a certain type
    rescanSI internal - rescan serverinfo cvars and tell game
    reset resets a cvar
    roq encodes a roq file
    runAAS compiles an AAS file for a map
    runAASDir compiles AAS files for all maps in a folder
    runAASTactical calculates tactical features for an AAS file
    runReach calculates reachability for an AAS file
    s_restart restarts the sound system
    saveGame saves a game
    SaveGameRefreshList refresh the gui's save list
    saveLights saves all lights to the .map file
    saveMoveables save all moveables to the .map file
    saveParticles saves all lights to the .map file
    saveRagdolls save all ragdoll poses to the .map file
    saveSelected saves the selected entity to the .map file
    say text chat
    sayTeam team text chat
    screenshot takes a tga screenshot
    screenshotJpeg takes a jpg screenshot
    script executes a line of script
    serverForceReady force all players ready
    serverInfo shows server info
    serverMapRestart restart the current game
    serverNextMap change to the next map
    set sets a cvar
    seta sets a cvar and flags it as archive
    setInstance sets a player's world instance
    setMachineSpec detects system capabilities and sets com_machineSpec to appropriate value
    setPlayerGravity sets players local gravity
    setPMCVars Resets player movement cvars
    sets sets a cvar and flags it as server info
    sett sets a cvar and flags it as tool
    setu sets a cvar and flags it as user info
    setviewpos sets the current view position
    shakesGen generates shake data for sound shaders
    showDictMemory shows memory used by dictionaries
    showInteractionMemory shows memory used by interactions
    showMemAlloc Prints outstanding mem_alloc tags -- Debug only
    showMemory gives a reasonably detailed account of memory usage
    showStringMemory shows memory used by strings
    showTriSurfMemory shows memory used by triangle surfaces
    sizeDown makes the rendered view smaller
    sizeUp makes the rendered view larger
    soundLog list the number of times sounds have been played
    spawn spawns a game entity
    spawnGUI spawn gui
    spawnServer spawns a server
    startBuild prepares to make a build
    stopNetDemo stop playing/recording a network demo
    stopRecording stops demo recording
    tabComplete tab completes it's argument
    teleport teleports the player to an entity location
    testAnim tests an animation
    testBlend tests animation blending
    testDamage tests a damage def
    testDeath tests death
    testGUI tests a gui
    testid output the string for the specified id.
    testImage displays the given image centered on screen
    testLight tests a light
    testmap tests a map
    testModel tests a model
    testParticleStopTime tests particle stop time on a test model
    testPointLight tests a point light
    testSave writes out a test savegame
    testShaderParm sets a shaderParm on an existing testModel
    testSIMD test SIMD code
    Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
    Managing Director
    Tweak Town Pty Ltd


    • #3
      Re: Quake 4 console commands

      A few more:

      testSkin tests a skin on an existing testModel
      testSound tests a sound
      testStandaloneVideo displays the a standalone cinematic
      testVideo displays the given cinematic
      timeCmdDemo times a command demo
      timeDemo times a demo
      timeDemoQuit times a demo and quits
      toggle toggles a cvar
      touch touches a decl
      touchFile touches a file
      touchFileList touches a list of files
      touchGui touches a gui
      touchModel touches a model
      trigger triggers an entity
      unbind unbinds any command from a key
      unbindall unbinds any commands from all keys
      unbindRagdoll unbinds the selected ragdoll
      undying enables undying mode (take damage down to 1 health, but do not die)
      updateUI internal - cause a sync down of game-modified userinfo
      verifyServerSettings verifies the game type can be played on the map
      vid_restart restarts renderSystem
      viewNotes notes about the current map
      vstr inserts the current value of a cvar as command text
      wait delays remaining buffered commands one or more frames
      weaponSplat projects a blood splat on the player weapon
      where prints the current view position
      writeAssetLog generates log file of all the assets loaded
      writeCmdDemo writes a command demo
      writeConfig writes a config file
      WriteConfiguration WriteConfiguration
      writeDeclFile writes all currently parsed decls to a file
      writePrecache writes precache commands
      writeProgramImages write program formulated targas to compression dir
      writeRDF write RDF file
      WriteServerConfig Writes all server related cvars out to the filename provided
      Cameron "Mr.Tweak" Wilmot
      Managing Director
      Tweak Town Pty Ltd


      • #4
        Re: Quake 4 console commands

        U beauty =)

